The Bible teaches righteousness is gifted to us through imputation (Rom4:3,5,6; Gal3:6), which is very much like money charged to your account through the Cash app . In other words, God’s righteousness is foundational for our personal salvation (Rom5:17,18,21). On the other hand, 'White Privilege' (WP) works along the same spiritual track; for this reason it is not just a term defining a political or cultural phenomenon, but literally encourages the sins of blasphemy and idolatry. Allow me to explain using WP’s impact on both Whites and Blacks. A.Whites To begin, when a White person acknowledges his/her’s 'White Privilege'(WP), it is a confession that 'WP' is not good—which is the reason it requires an ‘acknowledgement’ or a 'confession’. I repeat, when a White person confesses 'WP', he confesses something that has been previously determined as bad! It is very much equivalent to a Christian confessing his sin. For example, 1John 1:9 addresses the Christian who has sinned: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." This means when a Christian confesses a sin, he is cleansed from his sin and unrighteousness through faith in the cleansing blood of Jesus—which by the way, is ‘THE’ sovereign element for the removal of sin for all humanity(Col1:14,20;Heb9:12;Rev1:5)! On the contrary, what happens when a White person confesses ‘WP'? Three things: i.Nothing ii.An appearance of righteousness, i.e.enlightenment iii.A forever acknowledgment of 'WP' i.Remember, when a Christian confesses his sin, he immediately is cleansed by the blood of Jesus. On the contrary, when a White person confesses his 'WP, that confession results in nothing! Why? Three reasons: a.Because 'WP' is based upon Whiteness, which is the reason it is called “WHITE” Privilege, no matter how many times a White person confesses 'WP'; or for how long that confession is made, the guilty White person remains White! In other words, the confession of 'WP' can never change the Whiteness of a White person! b.Because ‘privilege’ is based upon Whiteness, and because the Whiteness of a White person cannot change, neither can their privilege change! Therefore, confessing ‘WP’ can do nothing to the ‘privilege’ of a White person. c.God alone defines sin(Gen2:16,17), and God does not define Whiteness as sin, which means it requires neither confession, nor repentance. Therefore, confessing ‘WP’ can do nothing for a White person, whether ‘WP’ is categorized as: 1.simply unbecoming; 2.a bad thing; or 3.worst of all, a sin. ii.Second, in spite of nothing happening after confessing 'WP', the person who actually confesses 'WP', in his own eyes*, immediately becomes righteous, i.e.a good person; or a just person! Why? The White person who confesses his 'WP' immediately feels better about himself because he believes he has become more, higher, or better than other White people, who have not confessed their 'WP'! iii.As I have already noted, the only way a White person can 'literally' rid himself 'WP' is to become non-White! Yet, because a White person can never become non-White--even after confessing 'WP'--to compensate, the White person must continue to confess his 'WP'! In other words, even after initially confessing 'WP', in all future situations, that same White person must continue to confess 'WP' when encountering other Whites and Blacks who did not hear his initial confession! But once again, what does repeatedly confessing 'WP' do? The same as confessing ‘WP’ once does...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! What then is the impact on the White person who acknowledges White Privilege? It is four-fold: i.Self-Deception. The person who believes ‘confessing 'WP'’ delivers him from that ‘WP', or does anything at all, is immediately self-deceived! I repeat, confessing 'WP' does not rid White people of ‘Whiteness'; nor privilege, nor 'WP'…nor anything at all!!! ii.Promotes Deception and lies. To confess one’s own ‘WP’ by default, encourages other Whites to confess their ‘WP’ in order to be a ‘good’; or a ‘right’; or a ‘moral’ White person. However, to participate in the deception promotes deception and lies in others. iii.Rejects authentic righteousness. Because acknowledging ‘WP’ literally does nothing, when a White person confesses ‘WP’, he exercises faith in his own righteousness. This means he defines or creates his own righteousness, which by default, rejects authentic righteousness imputed only through faith in Christ Jesus. iv.Becomes a blasphemer. The White person who confesses his ‘WP’ actually believes his deliverance from ‘WP’ comes through the ‘work’ or ‘works’ (Eph2:9; Tit3:5) of confessing ‘WP’! Assuming ‘WP’ is a sin**, means it must follow that deliverance from sin, or some forms of sin, i.e. ‘WP’, does not require the cross of Christ…which is blasphemy! Tragically, 'WP' also has devastating effects on Black people too! B.Blacks A belief in 'White Privilege' effects Black people in two ways: i.Anger ii.Idolatry i.First, the 'belief' that Whites have privilege creates anger in Black people (and other minorities) because there is no way for Blacks to ever either aspire, hope, or achieve equality or privilege--without first becoming White! Because it is impossible for a Black person to ever become White, the only recourse is to become angry. Tragically, the anger takes two forms: a.anger at whites, because of their 'WP' b.and more importantly, anger at God, for creating ‘Whites’ with ‘WP’! ii.Second, because Blacks have no way of overcoming 'WP'--even considering personal achievement***--Blacks can only overcome their oppression by WP through coercing subservience. What does that mean? Blacks demand Whites become subservient to them. This occurs in two ways: a.Whites must acknowledge 'WP'...to Blacks! The pseudo-doctrine of 'WP' makes a distinction between confessing 'WP' to Whites and Blacks! If you remember, confessing 'WP' to Whites is designed to end with righteousness, i.e.Whites feeling good about self, and feeling better than other Whites who have not confessed their 'WP'. On the contrary, confessing 'WP' to Blacks is designed to force Whites to acknowledge Black superiority and White subservience. Following are just a few pieces of my 660 pages of archived evidence: Black superiority (Here. Here.) Meet their insane demands (Here. Here. Here.) Excusing Black racism (Here. Here. Here. Here.) b.Genuflection. Whites are literally forced, and even willingly bowing to Blacks. (Here. Here.) Tragically, points a. and b. create idolatry in both Whites and Blacks. First, for a White person to literally bow to another human being, either Black, White, or other, creates idolatry in Whites. And second, for a Black person to either coerce or allow a White person to bow to him/her, creates idolatry in that Black person! In conclusion, two final points. 1.'WP' helps neither Whites nor Blacks, but encourages the sins of both blasphemy and idolatry! 2.Tragically, the idea of ‘WP’ establishes, emboldens, and increases racism in the culture! As long as ‘WP’ is culturally accepted, racism will be impossible to end! *which makes it an appearance, not a reality!!! **If ‘WP’ is not sin, why confess it? ***Oprah Winfrey, one the richest woman in the world—Black or White—is still of victim of WP! (Here. Here.) QuoteBit Only human beings can reorder their lives any day they choose by refining their philosophy. -Jim Rohn
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Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
November 2024