Here are a couple quotes made by liberals I offered in the first part of this series regarding their invention known as, “The Jefferson Bible”:
"Jefferson wrote his own Bible that excluded all references to miracles, wonders, signs, virgin birth, resurrection, the God-head, and whatever else conflicted with his own religious thought.” -Robert S. Alley, (Barton, pg100) “Jefferson…rejected the superstitions and mysticism of Christianity and even went so far as to edit the Gospels, removing the miracles and mysticism of Jesus. – Jim Walker (Barton, pg101) Interestingly, all that remains from TJ’s 1804 version of the supposed “Jefferson Bible” is the title page; yet we still possess: i.the list of chosen Bible passages ii.the two Bibles he used to clip the passages Therefore, three historians: Dickinson Adams(1983); Charles Sanford(1984); and Mark Beliles(1993) all took it upon themselves to reconstruct TJ’s abridgement using the list of Bible passages (Barton, pg107). If we examine the list of scriptures used by TJ we literally find: 1.Lu.14:1-6: Jesus healed a man of dropsy on the Sabbath 2.Matt.10: Jesus commissions His disciples to go and heal the sick and raise the dead 3.Matt.9:18-25: i.the healing of a woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years ii.the resurrection of girl from the dead 4.Matt.9:27-31: healing of two blind men 5.Matt.11:4-5: Jesus instructing His disciples to report to John the Baptist miracles of people healed of blindness and lameness 6.Matt10:28: Teaching on hell 7.Matt19:29: Teaching on eternal life In other words, the liberal contention that TJ purposefully excluded the miracles of Jesus from his supposed “Jefferson Bible” is as false as their invented title: “The Jefferson Bible”! What’s more, in addition to the 1804 edition, TJ also wrote a second abridgement in 1820!! I repeat, there are two different abridgments made by TJ! The second rendition also contains miracles of Jesus: 1.Jn.7:23: Healing on the Sabbath 2.Matt.24:20-21,29,32,-36; 25:31-34: The Second Coming of Christ 3.Matt.22:28-30: Resurrection of the dead 4.Lu.11:13: The Holy Spirit 5.Matt.5:29-30: Hell 6.Matt.19:16-26: Heaven (Barton, pg115) TJ declares the first 1804 abridgment was for the Indians, but who then was the 1820 edition for? TJ’s grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph answers: “He my grandfather left two codifications of the morals of Jesus—one for himself, and another for the Indians; the first of which I now possess: a blank volume, red morocco, gilt, letters on the back, “The morals of Jesus” into which he pasted extracts in Greek, Latin, French, and English, taken textually from the four gospels and so arranged that he could run his eye over the reading of the same verse in four languages…His codification of the morals of Jesus was not known to his family before his death, and they learned from a letter addressed to a friend that he was in the habit of reading nightly from it before going to bed.” (Barton, pg116) Incredibly, in 1902, Representative John Lacey sponsored a congressional resolution that the government reprint Jefferson’s Morals of Jesus of Nazareth for use by the nation’s senators and representatives. Congress proceeded to print 9,000 copies at government’s expense, and for the next 50 years a copy was given to every senator and representative at his or her swearing in” (Barton, pg117). Did TJ create two abridgments—because he was an antagonistic to Christianity? Did TJ read from the 1820 abridgment every night--because he was an atheist or deist? Did TJ read the 1820 abridgment in four different languages--because he was disrespected the Bible? Here is the elephant in the living room! Why would liberals, like Mr. Walker and Mr. Alley (see beginning quotes), make statements so obviously false? There can be only two possible answers: 1.ignorance 2.intentional Under no circumstances do I believe liberal historians are ignorant! I repeat, liberalism is not ignorant—they willfully perpetrate myths to destroy America’s Judaeo/Christian ethic, in order to replace it with atheism! See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. -Col2:8 *Facts in this tidbit taken from historian David Barton’s incredible book “The Jefferson Lies”. It is a must read!! QuoteBit It is hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development. -Jim Rohn
In the previous two tidbits I offered two of the three points the leaped-out at me from Thomas Jefferson’s actual title** which refutes the above invented historical revisionist’s title. In this tidbit, I want to offer a third point.
Even though President Thomas Jefferson declares the entire project of writing an abridgment of the synoptic gospels only took two evenings, as a preacher of the gospel, I can confidently say it did not take two evenings to prepare to write it. Besides my first two compelling points in the last two tidbits, the third point that actually leaps from the title is that a sitting president would actually take the time and energy to write something like this. The question that liberals conveniently ignore in their deceitful attack on changing the name of TJ’s work to ‘The Jefferson Bible’ is the inspiration behind writing it in the first place. They can rename it; they can corrupt it; but it’s much more difficult to honestly identify the reasoning any supposed atheist or deist would twice in his life***…take the time to write about the synoptic gospels! On the contrary, to be perfectly clear, there simply is no way; no how; no where; any atheist or deist would attempt a project like this (twice)…let alone take time as the president of the United States to do so!!! The project itself ‘shouts’ at least two parts to its inspiration: 1.The Bible, as the Word of God. 2.The person of Jesus First, the fact that TJ uses the four synoptic gospels to express his “…Philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth…” is evidence of his thoughts about the Bible. If TJ were an atheist or deist, he would have little, to no interest in the Bible! Because of the magnitude of taking-on four books of the Bible, obviously, TJ had to read; re-read; and even research the gospels to even know what is appropriate to be included or excluded in the “Abridgment”. On the contrary, atheists and deists don’t think anything in the Bible is appropriate! Historically, we know TJ helped to fund the printing of the John Thompson Bible, a massive 2-volume set, which at that time was the largest Bible ever published in America. In addition, TJ offered to subscribe to the Charles Thomson’s Bible, which was the first American translation of the Greek Septuagint. His offer was too late however, as the Bible had already been funded (Barton, pg102). Lastly, “TJ possessed and studied many Bibles: 1.The Eliot Bible, printed in 1661 in the Algonquin Indian language by John Eliot, who is referred to as the apostle to the Indians (the first Bible printed in America in any language); 2.the Bible in the Nattick Indian language(1666); 3.the earliest Latin Bible printed in England (1580); 4.the earliest French Geneva Bible in England (1687). And many others” (Barton, pg102)! Notice, TJ possessed Bibles in other languages (Indian languages), which he read in those languages! Let’s be honest…do you actually believe an atheist or deist studies the Bible in foreign languages?!?! Second, TJ’s thoughts on the person of Jesus of Nazareth are nothing less than compelling: -To John Adams TJ wrote: “No doctrines of His (Jesus) lead to schism. It is the speculations of crazy theologists which have made a Babel of a religion the most moral and sublime ever preached to man, and calculated to heal and not create differences” (Barton, pg 226). -To William Short, TJ wrote, “Among the sayings and discourses imputed to him [Jesus] by his biographers (the four gospels), I find many passages of fine imagination, correct morality, and of the most lovely benevolence…” (Barton, pg 227) -“I consider the doctrines of Jesus as delivered by himself to contain the outlines of the sublimest system of morality that has ever been taught…” -Thomas Jefferson. -“I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus” -TJ to Charles Thomson. (Barton, pg238) -To Benjamin Rush: “To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus Himself. I am a Christian in the only sense in which He wished any one to be: sincerely attached to His doctrines in preference to all others.” (Barton, pg238) -Dumas Malone, Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer said TJ had, “unbounded admiration for Jesus.” -Thomas Jefferson (Barton, pg238) -After TJ’s death, his grandson was asked about his religion, who in short replied, “In his contemplative moments, his mind turned to religion, which he studied thoroughly…. He was regular in his attendance on church, taking his prayer-book with him. He drew the plan of the Episcopal church, in Charlottesville, was one of the largest contributors to its erection, and contributed regularly to its minister. His favorite quotation of his young friends as a basis for their morals was the 15th Psalm of David” (Barton, pg241,242). -To John Adams: “An atheist…I can never be!” -Thomas Jefferson (Barton, pg240) In conclusion, it is obvious that TJ did not hate God, Christ, or the Bible! In other words, the liberal intention**** behind “The Jefferson Bible”, which is to make him into an atheist or deist, is yet another liberal myth!!! *Facts in this tidbit taken from historian David Barton’s incredible book “The Jefferson Lies”. It is a must read!! ** ‘The Philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth; Extracted from the Account of His life and Doctrines Given by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; Being an Abridgement of the New Testament for the Use of the Indians, Un-embarrassed [uncomplicated] with Matters of Fact or Faith beyond the Level of their Comprehensions.’ ***TJ completed a second project like the first one at the end of his life. ****It is imperative to remember liberalism’s intent in attacking TJ. Ultimately, the liberal intent transcends TJ, and lands on the Judaeo/Christian ethic, i.e.the God of the Bible Whom has called America!!! Quotebit Nobody can contribute to the best of humanity who does not make the best out of himself. JOHANN GOTTFRIED VON HERDER (1744–1803) Literary critic and philosopher In my last tidbit, I began addressing what Mr. Barton calls “Lie 3: The Jefferson Bible”. ‘The Jefferson Bible’ is a derogatory term invented by historical revisionists (liberal historians), to present Thomas Jefferson as either a deist, an atheist, or at worst, a hypocrite.
Last time I offered quotes by several liberals who accused Jefferson of slicing the Bible to fit his views of life. This is ‘liberal-speak’ to mean, through the ‘Jefferson Bible’, we now know TJ rejected the Bible’s divine inspiration; and therefore, none of his views on life, especially on freedom, are derived from the doctrines of its pages. Although the original document is no longer with us, in my last tidbit I offered the actual title of what today has been renamed: “The Jefferson Bible”: ‘The Philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth; Extracted from the Account of His life and Doctrines Given by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; Being an Abridgement of the New Testament for the Use of the Indians, Un-embarrassed [uncomplicated] with Matters of Fact or Faith beyond the Level of their Comprehensions.’ I said there were three points that literally leaped from TJ’s actual title. I addressed the first point last time: “…for the use of the Indians…”, which I explained refers Jefferson’s encouragement of Indian evangelism**. The second point that leaps-out at me that I would like to highlight in order to refute the liberal attack on TJ is: “…Being an Abridgement of the New Testament…”. According to Definition.com, the word ‘abridgement’ means: “a shortened or condensed form of a book, speech, etc., that still retains the basic contents”. These words are concise and clear and unequivocally reveal that TJ did not want to change the Bible, nor did he intend to disparage or reject it. The definition simply means he wanted a “shortened or condensed form of the” Bible—for the Indians to read! This simple, clear, and concise fact does not fit well with liberalism’s agenda; so because their greatest tactic of deception is word manipulation, which fundamentally has two parts: a.changing definitions of words, b.creating new words; they simply created a new name (The Jefferson Bible) that better helps them reach their ultimate objective: power and/or control. While the definition of ‘abridgement’ is innocuous, the term “Jefferson Bible” possesses all manner of negative connotations. For example, it means Jefferson changed the Bible to fit his philosophy—which means he rejects its divine inspiration. Of course, anyone who participates in this kind of behavior with a book revered as holy, is guilty of blasphemy. But why is this negative image of TJ important to liberals? There are at least three reasons: 1.TJ is a Founding Father of America. To discredit him, is a black eye against all the Founding Fathers. 2.TJ wrote the Declaration of Independence, which makes him revered all over the world, not only in America. Once again, liberals must destroy this image to accomplish their objective. 3.The most important reason however, is that TJ used the Judaeo/Christian ethic as the foundation of his morality…as did all the Founders, and the Settlers before them. Therefore, in order for liberalism to usurp control of America, they need to destroy the Judaeo/Christian ethic, and replace it with their religion, which is atheism. This feat can only be accomplished by dismantling the reputations**** of those who initially implemented it, i.e.the Founding Fathers. Although Karl Marx is not quotable in 99.9% of his philosophy, but if he said this, it certainly applies today: "Take away the heritage of a people, and they are easily persuaded." -Karl Marx, the father of Communism For this reason, liberalism uses the tactic of historical revisionism to systematically attack the Founding Fathers as racists and hypocrites. They repeatedly attack them as old, White men who have no application for our lives today! Liberal academics invented this plan; and their bed-fellow, the media, has spread it like wild-fire! Up to this point, their plan has worked well; however, along with others, the eternal God has called me to expose it! “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” -Eph5:11NIV *Facts in this tidbit taken from historian David Barton’s incredible book “The Jefferson Lies”. It is a must read!! **In reality, this is missions. Yes, you read that right! Even as president, TJ participated in missionary work to the Indians. ***Please see my response to their attacks, here and here ****Better known as Deconstructionism, which means to marginalize, deemphasize, or efface one for the purpose smearing his/her reputation, for the purpose of limiting or destroying their influence in the culture. Quotebit If you want the things on the high shelf, you must stand on the books you read. -Jim Rohn |
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November 2024