The prophet Jeremiah asked a very important question – “Why?”
If you say in your heart, ‘Why have these things happened to me?’ Because of the magnitude of your iniquity, your skirts have been removed, and your heels have been exposed. -Jeremiah 13:22 KJV Jeremiah was inspired to ask and answer this question directly: ‘Why have these things (bad) happened to me?’ The answer was: “for the magnitude (greatness) of thine iniquity.” The “iniquity”, i.e.sin was the reason for the troubles. The question is, can we extrapolate the ‘reasoning’ of Jeremiah 13:22 to all evil? I argue…YES! First, in addition to His other attributes like knowledge, understanding, wisdom, power, and Creator, God is sovereign* which means He must also possess responsibility for everything that happens in allowing both good and evil. However, because God is responsible for everything does not mean He ‘does’ everything!! Remember, God is perfect(Deut32:4) and as such, is righteous, existing without evil/sin (2Cor5:21;Ps92:15) and therefore cannot do evil!** On the other hand, Satan acts to kill, steal, and destroy (Jn10:10). Therefore, God does good (Ps119:68; Ps136), and Satan does evil (Jn10:10; 2Cor2:11) by inspiring man, to whom God gave free will to choose evil. Second, God is rational, answering the prayers of His people, and revealing Himself, i.e.His omniscience to His people(Jn16:15). For example, regarding evil, Solomon says, “Like a sparrow in its flitting, like a swallow in its flying, so a curse without cause does not alight (Prov. 26:2). The phrase “the curse causeless does not come” (KJV) teaches bad things or evil does not occur apart from a reason. In addition, Elihu--whom God does not condemn in the book of Job--echoes this truth in Job 37:23: “The Almighty—we cannot find Him; He is exalted in power, And He will not do violence to justice and abundant righteousness.” Jesus also confirms the fact that a reason always exists for evil/suffering/pain in John11:4- ““This sickness is not to end in death, but for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified by it.”” Moses is yet another witness establishing the truth that reasons exist for both good and evil in Deuteronomy 28. For example, The Good: “..’IF’ thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God,(28:1)” “…all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee (28:2)” The Evil: “But ‘IF’ you will not obey the voice of the Lord your God or be careful to do all his commandments and his statutes that I command you today, then all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you” (28:15) And finally, Paul summarizes and confirms this truth in Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death…” Within the truth of God’s sovereignty ‘someone’ or ‘something’ has to be responsible for anything that occurs in life. If everything that occurs in life is God’s will, then Satan exists without purpose and blame…and obviously, therefore, no reason exists for a Christian to need to pray! Can God answer prayer for something against His will? No!*** On the contrary, He only answers prayer according to His will (1Jn5:14). Furthermore, why is there even an admonition to resist the devil (James 4:7) if every experience is God’s will? If we have no control in the bad things that happen in life, no reason exists to resist the bad? What’s more, how can one even know if something is bad if everything is labeled as God’s will?!?! On the other hand, if you cannot discern whether something is from God or the devil, ‘never’ blame God for a negative, painful, or evil experience! See Job as an example! And what’s more, when in a difficult place please don’t blurt out what I consider one of the several common pseudo-spiritual statements: ‘May God’s will be done!’ While it is true that God is sovereign, but to translate God’s sovereignty into ‘everything that happens is God’s will’ is not only false…but blasphemy! Another super religious statement used by Christians in times of sickness is “God is trying to teach you something.” While there is a partial truth in this statement---because God can ‘use’ anything—either good or bad--to teach you! Two quick points pertain: 1.The Biblical method God uses to teach His own is the Holy Spirit (Jn14:26; Jn16:13-15;1Jn2;27), Who is the teacher(1Jn2:27)…not sickness and disease! And 2., why pray for healing, if you choose to wrongfully believe it is “God’s will” for you to be sick to teach you “something?” And what’s worse, why go to the doctor, if you actually believe God is trying to teach you something…in the sickness? A final pseudo-religious statement used in painful and difficult situations by those who incorrectly conclude everything is God’s will: ‘God permitted it!!’ While it is true that God does permit things--including bad things, i.e.evil things--to happen because He is God, and is ultimately responsible for everything that happens…yet that does not mean that God is doing the bad things!! Remember, the absolute truth is God cannot do evil!**** Therefore, just a moment of Holy Spirit-guided thought (Eph1:17,18) unveils the error in the following interpretation: ‘Because God is sovereign, when a bad thing happens means God permits it, therefore it has to be good because God is good!’ On the contrary, this theology is false because three parties are necessary in the word “permit”: 1.One giving permission, 2.One doing the thing permitted 3.One upon whom the action is done. The one permitting an action must permit the one doing that action. Therefore, the one permitting an act cannot logically be the same individual doing the action. Both the one permitting an act and the one doing that act, also cannot be the one upon whom an act is done. For example, if I (1) permit my dog (2) to bite you (3), then I(1) am giving permission, the dog(2) is doing the biting, and you(3) are being bitten! As the statement: “God permits it” relates to my point in this tidbit, the question that now demands an answer is if God (1) gives His permission for a bad thing to happen to you; and I (2) am the one upon whom the bad thing happens; there yet remains one slot left to fill—which is the one actually perpetrating the bad thing on me! Who is that being? I submit that the being doing the evil is Satan!!! “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices” -2Cor2:11 Pastor Derrick Jackson *Absolute Ruler, or ‘only’ sovereign or only potentate (1Tim6:15) **however, God can ‘use’ evil (Rom8:28) to bring about good. God creates the ‘capacity’ for evil(Is45:7)---but He does not do evil; commit evil; or commit sin. ***However, in judgment---for sin---He can! For example, after Israel came out of Egypt, God answered their prayer for meat…but God accompanied that prayer with judgment! Yet, we are not referring to the wrath of God in judgment in this tidbit! ****Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. -Jms1:13. If God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone with evil—how can He do evil?!?!
The prophet Jeremiah asked a very important question - why?
If you say in your heart, ‘Why have these things happened to me?’ Because of the magnitude of your iniquity, your skirts have been removed, and your heels have been exposed. -Jeremiah 13:22 KJV The ‘Why?’ of life is perhaps life’s most difficult question. When we experience crushing blows, often we scrutinize our actions/lives to derive a reason or a purpose for the painful thing or situation we have encountered. Searching for the reason for pain is common to all humanity--both saints and sinners. The ‘Why?’ of life, or the need to know or the desire to know ‘Why?’ is built into our core belief system. Interestingly, the ‘Why?’ of life, or the need or desire to know ‘Why?’, applies when something bad happens and when we experience something good! I repeat, it is natural for us to attempt to determine the reason for anything good or bad that happens. However, what is just as interesting is that the ‘Why?’ of life, or the need or desire to know ‘Why?’ is many more times intense when bad things happen to us! And oftentimes…the pain is overwhelming! But…why is that? Because humanity was created ‘good’ (Gen1:31) and within that ‘good’ exists the assumption that something good will happen to us or for us. Therefore, when that ‘good ‘is not present—it becomes natural to want to know why! Therefore, this tidbit will focus on the theology of ‘Why?’ bad things happen. There are at least four primary reasons for asking ‘Why?’ bad things happen: 1.Experiencing good is natural, i.e.how God made mankind (Gen1:31) 2.Pain is not natural, it is NOT how God made mankind 3.Therefore, bad must have a reason, because it is not natural 4.We must find the reason to alleviate the pain. Theologically, God must be absolute in His nature. Because God is good, He must be absolutely good and therefore must also do good (Ps119:68). So, mankind must experience God’s goodness because God created all things—including man---according to His absolutely good nature. Therefore, because goodness must possess an action(Ps119:68), mankind must experience God’s goodness—which by default must exclude evil, and the pain that comes from evil. So, how do theologians attempt to explain evil, i.e. the experiences and the subsequent pain that mankind now experiences in the many and various facets of this life? Of course, the only answer should be man’s rebellion against God, which is called sin. However, the status quo, ‘Theologically Correct’ response to “why am I experiencing this evil, (i.e. bad thing, i.e. pain)?” is: “God is sovereign.” Of course, what is meant by this answer is: “God is in control” or “You never know what God is going to do!” Or, “God can do anything He wants because He’s God—therefore we should just accept the evil (pain) now being experienced!” And so on! I have too often found many Christians use the ‘God is sovereign’ answer to cover up their ignorance of God, and His Word. In my opinion, the ‘God is sovereign’ line has become a quick ‘religious’ substitute. Interestingly, it is most often used by someone too prideful to acknowledge their lack of understanding by honestly stating the dreaded phrase: “I don’t know.” On the other hand, however, while it is true that ‘God is sovereign’, is that to be interpreted to mean that the omniscient God does not want us to know the answers to our most difficult questions—especially regarding things like sickness or even the death of a loved one? Moreover, what makes the ‘why’ question ohhhhhhh so much more difficult is that if there is no apparent answer available for a painful situation, either ‘I don’t know’ or ‘God is sovereign’ can be an appropriate response!!! There are definite times in life when God leaves us ONLY with the question: “Why?” Or, “Why me God?” In other words, when bad things happen, God can choose NOT to offer an answer, or not offer an answer until sometimes years later! However, what’s dramatically more painful than God leaving us without knowing ‘Why?’ is when the evils of this world are blamed on God! While we can expect non-Christians to behave in this manner, I repeat, it is multiplied times worse for Christians to blame God for evil--which is simply poor theology, and often rebellion--bordering on blasphemy. In my opinion, which I derive from the suffering of Job, is that the internal answer offered to ‘oneself’ when seeking an answer ‘why’ something bad has happened is the number one reason people leave the Christian faith. Over decades of ministry listening to people comment on their lives, I have seen many people depart from their faith in God for an inability to deal with the ‘Why?’ of a tragedy! While it’s easy to throw in the towel on God and go our way because of a traumatic, and so often unbearable experience, to retain our victory(2Cor2:14) in any battle of life we must understand Satan’s devise is to use any difficult situation, suffering, and/or pain to shipwreck our faith (1Tim.1:19). Following are 5 things to remember when evil(painful), impossible circumstances arise: 1.God is good (Ps136). This is an absolute truth! It means goodness is His nature, or He exists as good; or all goodness originates in God. Therefore: i.God must be good all the time, in every situation (Ps145:9) ii.He can only ‘do’ good(Ps119:68) because His is good. Or, God cannot act apart from His nature of good. iii.God does not and cannot do evil…because He is absolutely good. 2.There is a ‘reason’ for everything or situation, even your present difficult circumstance. 3.God knows that ‘reason’ because He is omniscient. 4.It is God’s will for you to know 5.However, like a parent in a certain situation with a child who, because of age or maturity may not be capable of understanding, God may determine you are not ready to handle a reason for your situation. Or better yet, how about answering the following question: Is God obligated to inform you of the reason for a bad or painful situation you are now facing? We’ll continue next week…. Pastor Derrick Jackson Quote Bit Motivation leads to action; action leads to skilled action; skilled action leads to productivity; productivity leads to accomplishment; and accomplishment back to greater motivation. - Derrick Jackson If you remember, my last tidbit was primarily focused upon the Providence of God (GP)* that brought the English Pilgrims from Holland to the Eastern shores of America. God sent winds to blow them off course as they sailed toward Virginia to what is now the Massachusetts area.
After prayer, they were led by the Holy Spirit to land at what is now Cape Cod. When they disembarked the Mayflower, in God’s Providence, they stepped upon vacant land previously occupied by the Patuxet Indians who had all died earlier from a plague. Now on to Samoset! The date was October/November of 1620, so the Pilgrims began building houses to survive the winter. The good news is that the food from the ship lasted until the Spring of 1621. However, the bad news is that diseases like Scurvy and the many challenges of their new habitat hit the small group of 102, and by the Spring—nearly 50% perished. It was during this time that their Christian character was forged. Many times only 5 or 6 people were healthy enough to care for the sick—what if the Indians attacked(GP). Food shortages led to starvation, and hope of survival quickly faded! However, enter a single Indian** who boldly walks into their camp(GP) named Samoset(GP). Incredibly, he spoke broken English(GP), which he learned from some of the previous English explorers who occasionally visited the area. He proceeded to tell them of the violent, warring Patauxet tribe who previously lived on the land they now inhabited(GP). He spoke of how the other tribes would not live there in spite of it having fresh water and fertile land, perfectly suited to produce for any inhabitants(GP). After teaching the Pilgrims many things in their first encounter with the natives, Samoset decided to leave but promised to return with the Wampanoag tribe(GP). Several days later, Samoset returns with Chief Massasoit and many braves, squaws, and their children. In the Providence of God, Squanto was among them—who arrived at the exact moment of their desperation!!! Remember, like Joseph in Egypt, Squanto was among the 6 Indians in the initial capture by Thomas Hunt. Squanto spent 9 years*** living with an English sea captain, becoming fluent in the English language and ways, before returning to America in 1614.4* Was it an accident, luck, or chance, that Squanto’s tribe perished? Or, that Pilgrims landed on their land? Or, that Samoset arrived alone--and nonviolent--to the English settlement? Or, that he was able to teach the Pilgrims? Or, that he was connected to the Wampanoag tribe? Or, that Samoset was able to convince Chief Massasoit to walk with his tribe 50-70 miles to the Pilgrims on the former Patuxet land? Or, that Squanto was a Patuxet Indian living with the Wampanoag tribe at that precise moment? Was it an accident, luck, or chance, that the Wampanoag tribe were non-violent against the English? Or, that Squanto spoke perfect English? Or, that Squanto even had any desire at all to return to the site of the death of his entire tribe? Or, that he had any desire whatsoever to help the English after being kidnapped and enslaved by them? Or, that Squanto was the only living Patuxet Indian on earth? Is all this mere chance? Historian Stephen McDowell wrote, “He (Squanto) showed them how to plant corn, assuring its growth by setting it with fish; he taught them how to catch fish and the times when they could not find the creeks stocked with fish (the Pilgrims had only caught one cod in the preceding four months)--he taught them to stalk deer, plant pumpkins, find berries, and catch beaver; whose pelts proved to be their economic deliverance. Squanto was also helpful in securing a peace treaty between the Pilgrims and surrounding Indian tribes, which lasted over fifty years.” 5* William Bradford, elected Governor of the Pilgrims also wrote, “Squanto… was a special instrument sent of God for their good, beyond their expectation.”6* In addition, it was Squanto who helped Chief Massasoit to sign a peace treaty lasting 54 years!!! Was this just another accident? Chance? Luck? In October of 1621, Massasoit returned with 90 braves, their squaws, and children. They feasted on “deer, turkey, fish, lobster, eels, vegetables, cornbread, herbs, berries, pies; and…the Indians even taught the Pilgrims how to make popcorn. They competed in foot races, wrestling, and shooting games. Massasoit enjoyed himself so much that he and his tribe stayed a full three days”5* This was the first Thanksgiving! For these multitudinous reasons, the traditional celebration of ‘Thanksgiving’ is a day set aside by Americans to thank ‘GOD’ for His providence! *Remember, the initials GP stand for the appearance of God’s Providence, which I decided to add to reveal all the times God supernaturally provided for the Pilgrims **Was this an accident? Chance? Luck? Absolutely not! It’s called the Providence of God. ***Squanto was converted to Christ and forgave those responsible for kidnapping and enslaving him 4*Some historians identify this date as 1614, which means Squanto was enslaved either 7-8 years if 1614 is correct; or 14-15 years, if 1605 is correct. 5*Stephen McDowell, historian 6*William Bradford, Of Plimoth Plantation (Boston: Wright & Porter Printing, 1901), p. 111. Quote bit Whatever you build ends up building you! -Derrick Jackson The Providence of God was so obvious in the life of Joseph who was sold into Egyptian slavery, betrayed by Potiphar’s wife, and imprisoned for 13 years, yet, God raised him from prison to second in command behind Pharoah. So too, that same Providence is glaringly apparent in the story of the Pilgrims, Samoset, Squanto, and Thanksgiving. To help illustrate God’s Providence in this Great holiday celebration, I will place the letters GP beside every place I believe it appears.
In 1605*, the English pondered colonizing the new world(GP). They decided to capture several Indians (GP) during a fishing exhibition, bring them back to England, and teach them the English language (GP) to obtain the necessary information on the locations of both violent and friendly Indian tribes, to plant their colonies successfully. Initially, the fishing exhibition sailed from England under the command of John Smith, who survived the Jamestown(GP), Virginia colony debacle. After a successful fishing endeavor, Smith ordered one of his commanders Thomas Hunt, to remain behind and trade their fish for Indian beaver pelts, which would garner more money upon their return to England. Instead, Hunt tricked 20 Indians into coming on board his fishing boats-one of which was…Squanto(GP). Hunt then set sail for the notorious slave trading post in Spain called Malaga(GP). Along the route, Hunt stopped in Cape Cod and added 7 more Indians for a total of 27. As the 27 Indians began to be auctioned off (GP) in Malaga, several Catholic friars heard of their plight and proceeded to purchase several of the slaves including Squanto (GP). The friars led Squanto to Christ and eventually released him(GP). He later made his way to England where he spent several years learning the English language and their customs (GP). In 1619, he returned to America with Captain Thomas Dermer. When he returned and began to search for his tribe, he encountered the shock of his life finding that his entire Petauxet tribe had been wiped out by a plague(GP). Squanto was now the only Petuaxet Indian left on earth(GP)! Squanto decided his only option for survival was to walk 50 miles to join the Wampanoag tribe(GP), where Massasoit was Chief. Indian tribes were not usually friendly with each other and were therefore very hesitant to accept other tribesmen. In God’s providence, Squanto was accepted(GP)! On the other side of the earth(GP), in 1620, the Mayflower and Speedwell departed from Holland(GP), made a stop in England, and then headed toward Virginia(GP)--not Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts(GP)!!!! Along the way, they were forced to abandon the Speedwell due to leaks which delayed their progress, until they were caught in terrible Atlantic storms(GP). Due to the inclement weather (GP), 102 men, women, and children were forced into the cargo space of the Mayflower; a ship that was only 25 feet wide, and 90 feet long, with only 5’6 inches of head space—for 44 days and nights—eating, drinking, going to the bathroom, and more than likely enduring sea sickness—which in more crude language—means they were vomiting! The waves from the storm rocked the ship, forcing the crew to tie themselves to the mast to remain on board. The Pilgrims staved off their fears by singing songs of worship! Incredibly, when the average loss of life crossing the Atlantic was 50%, only 2 people perished—neither of which were Pilgrims(GP)! As the Mayflower approached the eastern shore of America, the storms blew them off course pushing them to the north(GP). Having no clue where to land, or whether the Indians were friendly---they stopped and began to pray(GP)! They eventually landed on Cape Cod(GP) and ultimately found Plymouth Rock(GP), the former location of the violent Petauxet Indian tribe (GP) that had previously all perished by plague(GP). However, not only was the Petauxet tribe absent but no other Indian tribes(GP) would chance living there for fear of enduring that same fate(GP); even though the spot had fresh water making it perfectly suited to human existence. Over that winter, they lived off the ship’s reserves(GP), and still, 50% of the Pilgrims died. Yet, when the Mayflower returned to England, not one of the surviving Pilgrims chose to return(GP)! Why? They were missionaries called by God to take the gospel to the Indians. First, before the Pilgrims stepped off the ship, after prayer and thanksgiving, they covenanted together and created the Mayflower Compact. In short, it declared: “In, the Name of God, Amen…” “Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith,” “In the northern parts of Virginia; Do by these Presents, solemnly And mutually in the Presence of God and one another, covenant, And combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick,”(GP) Ten years later, William Bradford further elucidated their original motivation: “A great hope and inward zeal they had for the propagating and advancing the gospel of the kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of the world; yea, though they should be but even as stepping-stones unto others for the performing of so great a work.” (GP) This quote reveals not only the call of God upon the Pilgrims, and by default America, but the “stepping-stones” remark reveals they understood they needed to stand fast on their calling because they were to be facilitators for those who would come behind them!! This is America’s vision!!! (GP) This is America’s Thanksgiving! Stay-tuned for part 2!!!! Quotebit “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” -Albert Einstein 28.And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
-Gen1:28 5.I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. 6.If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 7.If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8.Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. -Jn15:5-8 Definition Of Productivity: To either create or work* towards the manifestation of and/or use of a product or service that self and others value. To begin, I need to explain the first five words of my definition: “To either create or work…”. By “create”, I mean the action of creating or inventing something. On the other hand, by “work” I mean the action of ‘doing something’ that is not creating something, which is more often than not an action of repetition to achieve a product or service that has already been created. Second, allow me to expound on the latter part of the sentence: “use of a product or service that self and others value.” Because productivity involves both creative work and repetitive work, both types of work impact self and others. In other words, the following order exists for both types of work: 1.self, 2.others. Without work benefiting ‘self’ ‘FIRST’---that work can quickly descend into slavery, which hinders and then destroys both the motivation and the excellence of work…tragically rebounding in a consequence that short-circuits productivity. In other words, slavery can produce, but it can ‘NEVER’ produce like ‘purposed’ work---a work which requires value to both self and others!!! On the other hand, while it is possible for work to only benefit self, or have value only to self, as long as that self remains a first step---it is not designed to end there. In other words, while work is designed to begin with benefiting self, its highest end will benefit others, i.e.to serve others. Therefore, because productivity requires work, and because work’s highest objective (not the only objective) is to benefit others, productivity possesses inherent selflessness as one of its greatest ends. Because of the selflessness inherent to the nature of productivity, as productivity proceeds--even the productivity of natural things (possessions) is designed to cause maturity (growth): both spiritually and mentally, in humans who produce!! For emphasis, allow me to repeat myself, the more an individual personally produces a product or service ‘valued by others’ matures the spirit and soul of the worker…and can even positively impact one’s physical growth!! This incredible effect of productivity on an individual is not hyperbole and is the reason God made productivity His first commandment to mankind. Moving forward. Moreover, the dynamic of personal productivity gives birth to corporate or business productivity. If one first learns productivity at home ---especially without compensation—as one leaves home and begins producing, he will learn faster and produce more efficiently---especially when it comes to his God-given unique calling! Therefore, not only is individual productivity essential to personal maturity, both: i.the selflessness of personal productivity, ii.the consequences of personal productivity, i.e.products and services created, etc. …inspire productivity in others, and so on…forever!!! Why? Because humans are interdependent! Therefore, each time any individual produces, it erects and establishes a foundation upon which those around them, as well as those in later generations, can also build on…forever!! Once again, why? Not because of selfishness or envy, but because of the God-given ‘desire for more’ innate to…the image and likeness of God! This God-given gift manifests in humans three ways: 1.more (in number) 2.better (more effective) 3.service These 3 desires…continually work in every normal, healthy human motivating him/her to “take dominion” over the earth** (Gen1:28). In other words, as these three desires develop, one is encouraged to inquire or act on how a particular product or service can be more or better…with the assumed intent to serve humanity! Therefore, the first principles of productivity are: 1.creativity 2.work or work ethic 3.personal growth 4.serving the creation 5.corporate (business) growth 6.human multiplication 7.unity or human oneness*** These seven principles are among those that inspired God’s first commandment to man: to be fruitful! However, what is too often neglected is God’s second command—"to multiply”, was not only designed to facilitate more humans on earth, but innately multiplies productivity---because of God’s first commandment “to be fruitful”; i.e.to produce! Incredibly, the more humans who produce, exponentially multiplies (not adds) human creativity; which exponentially multiplies the amount of human work and the work ethic; which exponentially multiplies the need for more products and services; which exponentially multiplies human growth; which exponentially multiplies human service; ultimately climaxing in human unity! Incredibly, as productivity progresses, it both creates and establishes an atmosphere of human peace, which innately facilitates human creativity; which comes full circle back to human productivity! Remember, peace**** is the one atmosphere allowing for God’s gift of the ‘desire for more’ to thrive! *Before the fall, work was originally defined as ‘wisdom applied to action’; or ‘wisdom applied to the energy of action’. However, after sin entered the world, work is now defined as any action: doing something or doing nothing. In other words, after the fall, work is now defined as any behavior or action(s). **possessions, or that which comes from the earth!! ***As humans obey the first commandment to produce, their productivity possesses the inherent potential to facilitate oneness, i.e.a unity among humans. ****both inner and outer peace Over the last 3 tidbits, I have used Derek Prince’s book ‘The Key to the Middle East’ to show ‘HOW’ Christians are called to treat Jews from Jeremiah 31. On page 121, Derek Prince offered four action items to help Christians to understand how “to provoke them (Jews) to jealousy”
(Romans 11:11 - 1) to praise; 2)to proclaim; 3)to pray, and 4)to comfort. I now turn to point 4) to comfort. To make his point, Derek Prince moves from Jeremiah 31 to Isaiah 40:1-2: 1.Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. 2.Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD’S hand double for all her sins. To be honest, I believe this is MY favorite of the four points! My reason is: if this 4th point had been obeyed—all antisemitism would not only IMMEDIATELY cease; but the practical application of Isaiah 40:1-2 would have prevented antisemitism’s conception!!! Now, let’s examine the text. Isaiah 40:1-2 requires three parties: 1.God, Who is giving the instruction 2.“my people” i.e.the Jews 3.The group instructed to: “Comfort my people” Now…while we know who God is; and who “my people” are (Israel); who then is the identity of the third party? Because God’s command to the third party is “Comfort my people” requires us to assume the third party is a people group, rather than merely an individual. Why? Apart from Jesus, no one person can comfort the Jews! So, who then is this ‘people group’ that God commands to comfort His people? I think there can only be one answer: Christians! Remember, Isaiah’s ministry began in 739 BC and continued up to his death in 690 BC, which means that much, if not all of Isaiah’s record pertains to the future. In other words, Isaiah was not writing from history, but from prophecy! The greatest example of this truth in the book of Isaiah is chapter 53, which pertains to the Messiah! So…when Isaiah wrote of the ‘group’ that is supposed to “Comfort my people”, it certainly could not apply to the Babylonians, or the Assyrians, or to any other pagan group, because how can sinners “comfort” Israel, while simultaneously warring against them? Therefore, and I repeat, the ‘group’ of Isaiah 40:1-2 commanded to “Comfort my people” must be prophetic! In addition, although the Genesis 12:1-3 promise, “I will bless them that bless you” was given to all mankind, it must particularly be true of the Christian, i.e.the church! Why? Because the Jew and the church are destined to be joined together as one in Christ (Eph2:11-16). Therefore, what better group than Christians, i.e.the church, is there for God to command to comfort His people, the Jews! Literally…there is no other group in history to whom the command “Comfort my people” can apply…other than Christians! A third passage of scripture confirming that Christians are called to “comfort His people” is Romans 11:11-12, where the Bible teaches that through the fall of the Jew, salvation has come to the Gentile--which turns the Gentile into the church--for “provoking the Jew to jealousy”. Along with Ephesians 2:11-16, Romans 11:11-12 are THE two passages that inseparably link the Jew and the Gentile, i.e. the church together! Therefore, and I repeat, Isaiah 40:1,2 is prophesying a mandate to the Christian to comfort the Jew! Of course, the most obvious ‘natural’ reason the Christian is called to ‘comfort’ the Jew is antisemitism! Derek Prince writes: “Through the course of history, many other racial and religious groups have been victims of prejudices and persecution. But the sufferings of the Jewish people far exceed all others in their scope, intensity, and duration”(pg133). Ironically, although the church has tragically involved herself in antisemitism--it was never commanded by God to do so! On the contrary, and again ironically, Romans 11:11,12 teaches the church is commanded by God to “provoke” the Jew to jealousy, which contains the meaning of blessing the Jew, i.e. “comforting the Jew”—not cursing the Jew!! For emphasis, and I repeat, no Bible scripture exists that commands the church to curse, or God-forbid...attack the Jew! Finally, Isaiah 40:1-2 teaches the way to “Comfort my people” is through words: “Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem”! However, if we turn to history, we don’t find many comforting words spoken about and to the Jews. The following are just four tragic examples: Adolf Hitler -“The Jews formed a sub-human counter race, predestined by their biological heritage to evil, just as the Nordic race was destined for nobility.” -“…the result will be not the Bolshevization of the earth and thereby the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe” Martin Luther “First, their synagogues should be set on fire, and whatever does not burn up should be covered or spread over with dirt so that no one may ever be able to see a cinder or stone of it. And this ought to be done for the honor of God and of Christianity in order that God may see that we are Christians, and that we have not wittingly tolerated or approved of such public lying, cursing, and blaspheming of His Son and His Christians.” John Calvin: A Response To Questions and Objections of a Certain Jew “Their [the Jews] rotten and unbending stiffneckedness deserves that they be oppressed unendingly and without measure or end and that they die in their misery without the pity of anyone.” Islam "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).” Contrary to the previous curses, God certainly believes in speaking words of comfort…even to Jerusalem: 5.If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. 6.If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy” -Ps137:5,6 Oh…what God would do if Christians would i.obey Him, ii.in the way---that He commands! Deuteronomy 6:25 encourages these two areas: “And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to (i.)‘do’ all these commandments before the LORD our God, (ii.)‘as’ he hath commanded us.” i. ‘DO’ all these commandments ii. ‘AS’ He has commanded us Quotebit In response to being presented a Bible on September 7, 1864, Abraham Lincoln said: “In regard to this Great Book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to man. All the good Saviour gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong. All things most desirable for man’s welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it.” In this tidbit I am continuing my use of Derek Prince’s book ‘The Key to the Middle East’ to show how Christians are called to treat Jews as demonstrated in Jeremiah 31. As previously mentioned, on page 121 Derek Prince offers four action items to help Christians to understand how “to provoke them (Jews) to jealousy” in order to fulfill Romans 11:11: 1)to praise; 2)to proclaim; 3)to pray, and 4)to comfort. Having already written on ‘praise’ and ‘proclaim’ in previous tidbits, I want to move forward to examine his third action item: pray.
First, Jesus offers Himself as ‘THE’ model for prayer. Both Mark 1:35 and Luke 5:16 declare that Jesus rose early in the morning, removed Himself to a solitary place—and prayed. Therefore, even as the Son of God and God made flesh, He yet spent time in prayer to the Father. Second, Luke 11:2 gives us the commandment to follow Jesus’ example of prayer stating, “When you pray”, making prayer a ‘fundamental’ to our relationship with God! Third, 1Thessalonians 5:17 encourages us to “pray without ceasing.” In other words, we must be constant in prayer; and spend time in prayer. And finally, returning to my foundational text in Jeremiah 31:7, we are instructed to pray for Israel: “O LORD, save thy people, the remnant of Israel.” Jeremiah 31:7 is confirmed and powerfully established by Daniel 9:1-20, where the prophet and political leader intercedes for Israel: i.uses the Word of God in Jeremiah 25:11 to guide his prayer (Dan9:2) ii.uses fasting (Dan9:3) iii.appeals to God’s nature in his prayer (Dan9:4,7,14,15,19) iv.confesses his sin and the sin of Israel (Dan9:5-11,15,20) v.prays for Judah, Jerusalem, and Israel in foreign lands (Dan9:7) vi.confirms God’s wrath upon Israel for sin (Dan9:12-14) vii.prays for Jerusalem (Dan9:16,18) viii.prays for forgiveness (Dan9:19) Regarding Jerusalem, and unique to the cities on earth, the Bible specifically declares in Isaiah 62:6,7: 6.I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, 7.And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. And in Psalms 22:6,7: 6.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. 7.Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. Derek Prince writes, “Why should God’s believing people around the world be exhorted by Scripture to pray for this one city Jerusalem? One reason is clear: Scripture reveals that it is God’s ultimate purpose to establish His kingdom on earth with Jerusalem as its center. It is this that we are praying for each time we utter the familiar words, “Thy kingdom come.” Why does God believe Jerusalem is so important that He would encourage us all to pray for this particular city? Isaiah 2:1-4 has the answer: 1.The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2.And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD’S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. 3.And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 4.And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. In case you missed it, the answer to the importance of Jerusalem to God, and by default to Israel…is underlined in the scripture from Isaiah 2 shown above!! Quotebit The term ‘enough’ can only exist in the realm of ‘abundance’. Without abundance,‘enough’ descends into selfishness, the survival of the fittest, kaos, and anarchy! -Derrick Jackson For this tidbit, I will continue to use Derek Prince’s book ‘The Key to the Middle East’ to show how Christians ought to treat Jews using the model of Jeremiah 31. On page 121, Derek Prince offers four action items for Christians “to provoke them (Jews) to jealousy” in order to fulfill Romans 11:11: 1.to praise; 2.to proclaim; 3.to pray, and 4.to comfort. In this tidbit series, I endeavor to answer the question: how should Christians treat Jews?
Last time I examined Prince’s first point: 1.to praise. Today, let’s look at point 2: 2.To Proclaim: Jeremiah 31:10: “Hear the word of the LORD, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock.” First, notice ‘to’ whom this passage is addressed: “O ye nations”! In Jeremiah 31:10, God is giving a commandment, not to 'a' nation, but to the world's nations! In other words, this passage teaches how God expects the NATIONS of the world---not just Christians--to treat Israel!!! So, God will hold the nations and the Christians in those nations accountable to this passage! The first phrase of Jeremiah 31:10 is evidence of God’s expectations: “Hear the word of the Lord…” God commands the nations of the world---as well as Christians--to hear His word!!! The next phrase in 31:10: “declare it in the isles afar off” reveals the location where the “nations”, and their Christians are to make their declarations/proclamations: “the isles afar off”! The Hebrew word for “declare” is nagad.* I love its first definition: “stand boldly out opposite”. In other words, at the command of the Sovereign God, the ‘nations of the world’ are instructed to make a bold, unashamed declaration….’FOR’ Israel! Considering the political climate of the world today with its obvious hatred towards Israel, it is a sign from God that Strong’s Concordance used the phrase “stand boldly out opposite” as one of its entries. In other words, in the providence of God, the writer of Strong’s Concordance, which is merely a simple Hebrew/Greek dictionary---and obviously without any foreknowledge of how the word nagad would apply to this present day—offered “stand boldly out opposite” as its first definition! When the Holy Spirit inspired ‘nagad’ in Jeremiah 31:10 over 2500 years ago, the only Sovereign God perfectly understood the conditions for ‘nagad’s’ application to Israel…in this day!! Therefore, for a nation or a Christian to obey Jeremiah 31:10’s injunction: “to declare”, or ‘To Proclaim’--- on behalf of Israel---according to Strong’s Concordance, it will require that nation or individual to “stand boldly”! Why? Because Israel has been identified as THE enemy in this day! Therefore, to stand in favor of what nearly the whole world detests requires great courage, as those who hate Israel begin to hate you! Yet, another confirmation of this fact is the last two words “out opposite”. These last two words of Strong’s phrase “stand boldly out opposite” indicate that what the nations--including Christians--will have to “stand boldly” on behalf of, will be the opposite of everyone else! I repeat, this reveals that only the very courageous will be able to obey Jeremiah 31:10! Finally, ‘what’ God instructs the nations to declare “in the isles afar off” is the climax, and THEEEE reason the nations (and Christians) that choose to obey Jeremiah 31:10 will be so strongly opposed, i.e.hated. The text clearly says God commands the nations to proclaim: “He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock”!!! WOW!!! This is prophecy! It is a special Word from God, not only instructing what the Gentile nations should proclaim but it is also a prediction of what God will do in the latter day ‘for’ Israel!!! This phrase teaches: 1.God judged Israel and scattered them. This refers to the diaspora in 135 AD when Bar Kochba declared himself to be the Jewish Messiah, and raised up an army to fight the Romans. The Romans slaughtered over 1 million Jews, and scattered many other Jews into the nations of the world---which is now known as ‘The Diaspora’. 2.Because God made a “forever” covenant (2Sam7:22-24; Ps105:6-11) with Israel, the same God that scattered the Jews in judgment will re-gather them to fulfill His covenant. Of course, this began with the re-gathering of the Jews into their own nation in 1948. In other words, this magnificent prophecy of Jeremiah31:10 not only instructs the nations** what to “To Proclaim”, i.e.“to declare”, but the ‘scattering and regathering’ aspect of this prophecy is a sign (Gen1:14; Heb2:4) that directly connects historical Israel to the modern state of Israel, which began in 1948…to the Providence of God! I repeat, God sovereignly scattered Israel, and God sovereignly regathered Israel!!! Christians must include this truth as part of our proclamation of the gospel to the world!! AND…this is the reason God instructed the Great Commission…“to the Jew first”!!! Incredibly, God has given the nations---which must include the Christians in those nations—this great mandate to tell the world of this great prophecy! But this is not yet the end of Jeremiah 31:10. The final phrase declares: “and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock.” Prince writes, “In the closing section of the proclamation, Jeremiah says that the Lord will also “watch over his flock like a shepherd.” The word translated “watch” over also means “keep” or “guard.” Here is further confirmation that this second regathering of Israel will not be something temporary or transient. Once God has gathered them, He will continue to watch over and protect them. As their Shepherd, He will accept responsibility for their permanent security and well-being.” (pg 126) WOW!!! Tragically, over the centuries, so far has the church missed this aspect of our great calling…to the Jew first!!! May God yet have mercy!!! *nâgad, naw-gad´; a prim. root; prop. to front, i.e. stand boldly out opposite; by impl. (causat.), to manifest; fig. to announce (always by word of mouth to one present); spec. to expose, predict, explain, praise:—bewray, × certainly, certify, declare (-ing), denounce, expound, × fully, messenger, plainly, profess, rehearse, report, shew (forth), speak, × surely, tell, utter. -Strong’s **and of course Christians Quotebit Creativity is birthed and flourishes only in an atmosphere of the reality of an infinite God, Who exists as more than enough. -Derrick Jackson How are Christians to “provoke them (Jews) to Jealousy”?
In Derek Prince’s insightful book “The Key to the Middle East” " he offers a great answer on how we can accomplish the bewildering statement in Romans 11:11- “provoke them (Jews) to jealousy”. On page 118, Prince declares Christians must accept responsibility for their past anti-semitism. It is ungodly for us today to simply dismiss the horror of supposed Christian behavior done in the past by stating, “if we were present at the times of any historic Christian antisemitism, we would not have participated in their abominations!” Dr. Prince offers Jesus’ rebuke of the religious leaders of His day in Matthew 23:29-31 who argued the same: 29.Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchers of the righteous, 30.And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. 31.Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. Prince writes, “The very fact that these religious people disclaimed responsibility for the crimes committed by their forefathers against the prophets constituted an acknowledgement that they were indeed the descendants of those who had killed the prophets.” In other words, Prince believes that Jesus’ words in verse 31 directed to the religious leaders: “children of them killed the prophets” is evidence that Jesus believed they at least bore some responsibility for the murder of the prophets by their ancestors. Because the religious leaders of Matthew 23 were called hypocrites by Jesus, they were hell-bound (Mat23:15). For this reason, it is very possible that no repentance for the murder of the prophets by their ancestors had ever taken place—which if true, would have been the reason Jesus accused them. Therefore, if Jesus’ accusations against these hypocrites occurred within the 3rd or 4th generation of the murder of the prophets (Deut5:9), this may been another reason Jesus held them responsible. Prince continues: “I believe the same principle applies to the crimes committed by the Church against the Jews. We cannot claim to be part of the Church and, at the same time, disclaim responsibility for the way the Church has treated the Jews. After all, in God’s sight, there is only one Church.” “We cannot claim inheritance in the good that has come down to us through the Church and yet, at the same time, disassociate ourselves from the evil. In particular, we must accept our share of the responsibility for Christian antisemitism, and then do everything in our power to rectify this terrible situation.” On page 121, he writes, “all Christians today of non-Jewish background are confronted with two questions that cannot be evaded: First, what can we do to repay our spiritual debt to the Jewish people? And second, how can we—to some extent, at least---make amends for all the evil done to the Jewish people for centuries in the name of Christianity?” Although different from repentance, the Scripture does instruct us to make restitution* (shalam) for past wrongs. Today’s authentic Church--that has repented--for historic antisemitism cannot be held responsible for any past sin because of Christ’s work on the Cross. However, for sake of “provoking the Jews to jealousy” (Rom11:11), it is necessary that the contemporary Church offer restitution for what happened in the past to restore relationship with the Jew. On page 121, Derek Prince offers four action items that are apropos for today: 1.to praise; 2.to proclaim; 3.to pray, and 4.to comfort. In the following tidbits, we will address each one; but in this tidbit, we have time for only the first. 1.To praise. -Jeremiah 31:7-8 (NAS) 7.For thus says the Lord, “Sing aloud with gladness for Jacob, And shout among the chief of the nations; Proclaim, give praise and say, ‘O Lord, save Your people, The remnant of Israel.’ 8.“Behold, I am bringing them from the north country, And I will gather them from the remote parts of the earth, Among them the blind and the lame, The woman with child and she who is in labor with child, together; A great company, they will return here. This passage refers to the latter day. The following three points inform us to whom we are to direct our attention when obeying Jeremiah 31:7-8: i.the remnant of Israel ii.I will gather them from the north, and remote parts of the earth iii.A great company, they will return here Because these three statements refer to God bringing Israel back into the land in the latter day---obviously, the passage must refer to Israel, i.e.the Jew. Next, this passage teaches five things that Christians today ought to do, i.e.how we are to act toward Israel: i.To sing with joy ii.to shout iii.to proclaim iv.to praise v.to pray/say i.The word “sing aloud” (ranan) means to cry out, to creak, to shout (Strong’s). The word “gladness”** is the Hebrew word used in the Jewish celebration “Simchah Torah” where they practice rejoicing over the law, i.e.the Word of God. Jews dance around the synagogue carrying the scrolls of the Bible singing and shouting. I have had the privilege to participate in a ‘Simchah Torah’ celebration, and the rabbi allowed me to carry the scrolls—all I could think was: “Don’t trip!” But more importantly, I still weep to this day when recalling that my Lord Jesus celebrated ‘Simchah Torah’ 2000 years ago!! Nevertheless, the context of Jeremiah 31:7-8 instructs Christians to celebrate Israel by singing and shouting FOR Jacob, i.e. Israel, i.e.the Jew!! I wonder how many contemporary Christians obey this command? ii.The Hebrew word for “shout” is tsahal ***. It is another word meaning to shout FOR Israel. Incredibly, notice where we are to “shout”? Among the nations! How many contemporary Christians shout FOR Israel in front of the nations? iii.The word “proclaim” also means ‘publish’. I wonder how many Christians are speaking out or writing/publishing in favor of Israel? iv.The word for “praise” in verse 7 is the Hebrew word ‘halal’****. One definition is to be clamorously foolish in the dance. It means to flail arms, to kick legs, to shout, to run. It is the most emotional of all the Hebrew words used to describe praise and worship to God! Incredibly, according to Jeremiah 31:7--- we are to use this same word, i.e.behavior…on Israel!! I wonder how many Christians are praising Israel using this word? v.Say/pray. Jeremiah 31:7,8 declare we are to “say, O Lord, save thy people!” Lastly, I wonder how many contemporary Christians are crying out: “O Lord, save Israel”? In spite of these clear instructions in Jeremiah 31:7,8 on how Christians are to behave toward Israel, i.e.the Jew, tragically, in these days, too many Christians have “departed from the faith” (1Tim4:1), i.e.rejected THIS (Jer31:7,8) word of God! How’s that? Far too many churches either ignore Israel/the Jew altogether or what’s worse, follow the world to the streets to protest God’s people! Is there any wonder why Jews have NOT been “provoked to jealousy”(Rom11:11)? In conclusion, although Jeremiah 31:7-8 addresses three out of the four words (1.to praise; 2.to proclaim; 3.to pray,) I plan to offer even more scripture to teach Christians how to treat Jews/Israel! * restitution- is shâlam, shaw-lam´; a prim. root; to be safe (in mind, body or estate); fig. to be (caus. make) completed; by impl. to be friendly; by extens. to reciprocate (in various applications):—make amends, (make an) end, finish, full, give again, make good, (re-) pay (again), (make) (to) (be at) peace (-able), that is perfect, perform, (make) prosper (-ous), recompense, render, requite, make restitution, restore, reward, × surely -Strong’s (Ex22:3,5-6,12) ** simchâh, sim-khaw´; from 8056; blithesomeness or glee, (religious or festival):—× exceeding (-ly), gladness, joy (-fulness), mirth, pleasure, rejoice (-ing). *** tsâhal, tsaw-hal´; a prim. root; to gleam, i.e. (fig.) be cheerful; by transf. to sound clear (of various animal or human expressions):—bellow, cry aloud (out), lift up, neigh, rejoice, make to shine, shout. **** haw-lal´; a prim. root; to be clear (orig. of sound, but usually of color); to shine; hence to make a show, to boast; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish; to rave; causat. to celebrate; also to stultify:—(make) boast (self), celebrate, commend, (deal, make), fool (-ish, -ly), glory, give [light], be (make, feign self) mad (against), give in marriage, [sing, be worthy of] praise, rage, renowned, shine. QuoteBit God connects His glory to meeting Your need. (Phil4:19) -Derrick Jackson 11.I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.
12.Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness? What an incredible passage of scripture!!! However, to get the most out of it, we have to look at the original Greek words. First, the context refers to Israel/Jew. In verse 11, the word “stumbled” (ptaio) means sin. And the first time the word “fall” (pipto) is used it means to ‘trip’ or ‘fall down’. For example, the wise men fell down (pipto) to worship Jesus (Mat2:11). So, the first sentence of Romans 11:11 is asking whether the Jews sinned that they should ‘fall down’—where the ‘fall’ has a permanent connotation. However, because the words “God forbid” follow in the very next sentence, we know their fall cannot be permanent! Why? Because the entire OT is filled with Israel falling into sin, and God judging them…yet He never permanently rejects them!! In other words, God promises to scatter Israel for their sin, but also promises to regather them back into their land*! Therefore, and I repeat, God cannot forever judge Israel! Moving forward. The second and third use of the word “fall” in verses 11 and 12 (paraptoma) mean ‘sin’, and/or ‘transgression’. Therefore, the use of the word paraptoma directly refers to Israel’s sin, transgression, or trespass! So, Romans 11:11 clearly teaches “through their fall” (paraptoma), which means through Israel’s sin--salvation comes to the Gentile. For emphasis, allow me to repeat myself. Through Israel’s fall into sin, God extended salvation to the Gentiles! Now that is certainly a jaw-dropping truth…but there is still more to come. Let’s examine the phrase “for to provoke them to jealousy”! The word “for to” in the previous phrase is a single Greek word “eis”, and simply means “to”. It has within its definition the meaning of ‘purpose’. Therefore, in Romans 11:11, the word "eis" means to give a purpose or reason God sovereignly determined to give salvation to the Gentile. Allow me to repeat myself for emphasis. The word “eis” (“for to”) informs us of a 'reason' or 'purpose' salvation has come to the Gentiles: “to provoke them (Jews) to jealousy”!!! Here are two absolutely, amazing revelations! 1.The English word “provoke” normally has a negative connotation. For example, Johnny provokes his little sister to anger by continuing to poke her with his finger! However, this is NOT the intent of “provoke” in Romans 11:11. The English word “provoke” is the Greek word “parazeloo”, a compound word made up of the Greek words ‘para’ and ‘zeloo’ and means “to stimulate alongside” (Strong’s). Let’s look at the definitions of the two Greek words ‘para’ and ‘zeloo’ separately to get a better understanding of what God is trying to teach us. The first word ‘para’ means ‘near’ or ‘beside’ as in the vicinity of something. The second word ‘zeloo’ means ‘to have warmth of feeling for or against” (Strong’s). On the other hand, depending on the context, the word ‘zeloo’ can also have a meaning of either ‘envy’ or ‘jealous over’, which are obviously negative words. However, because ‘zeloo” is preceded by the word “para”--which if you remember means “to be near” or “to come along side”; therefore the context of the word “zeloo” in Romans 11:11 demands that the word take on the meaning of “have warmth of feeling for” as opposed to “have warmth of feeling against”. I repeat, the meaning of the Greek word parazeloo in the Romans 11:11-12 context means: “to come alongside with warmth to stimulate” or to motivate or to inspire!!!! Therefore, the meaning of the phrase: “for to provoke them to jealousy” means the Gentile is to come alongside the Jew—with warmth, sensitivity, and love to stimulate the Jew---to motivate the Jew---to inspire the Jew! But…to inspire the Jew to what? Obviously, because salvation came to the Gentile through the fall of the Jew, and because salvation comes only through the Jewish Messiah Jesus (Jn14:6; 1Jn5:11-13; Jn4:22), the Gentile who now possesses his salvation from the fall of the Jew must return to the Jew to show him that salvation, which I repeat, can mean at least two things: i.to show the Jew their Messiah!! ii.to show the Jew kindness (“warmth to stimulate”)with their Messiah in view Romans 2:4 declares-“the goodness (kindness) of God leads men to repentance”!! Therefore, in practice, the intent of “the warmth of feeling” conveyed in the word parazeloo, means the Gentile is saved in order to return and demonstrate to the Jew acts of goodness/kindness specifically designed(Rom2:4) to inspire the Jew to lay hold of his Messiah, Yeshua. For this reason alone, the Holy Spirit inspired Romans 1:16- to take the gospel to the Jew first…which if done correctly will organically lead to the second revelation**. 2.This second revelation arises from the first, which means the two revelations are inseparably linked!!! Because the purpose of the fall of the Jew brought salvation to the Gentile, a salvation which demands that the Gentile return to the Jew to come alongside with warmth, sensitivity, and love to provoke the Jew; to motivate the Jew; to inspire the Jew; to recognize Yeshua as their Messiah through acts of kindness (“warmth to stimulate”): can only mean the Jew and Gentile are inseparably linked(Eph2:13-15)!!! The Gentile needs the Jew, and the Jew needs the Gentile! Remember, and I repeat, in the sovereign determination of Almighty God, the fall of the Jew granted salvation to the Gentile! Yet, the purpose of that Gentile salvation is not just for him/her to make heaven, but to return to the Jew to provoke (to stimulate alongside) him to a jealousy or warmth for his Messiah! In review, the Gentile needed the fall of the Jew for his own salvation—but the Jew needs the Gentile to return and come alongside him with warmth, sensitivity, and love---which over time, will ultimately inspire the acceptance of their Jewish Messiah, Yeshua. Therefore, the two groups are inseparably linked!! Because of these two revelations, the devil has moved heaven, earth, and hell to inspire antisemitism, and especially “Christian” antisemitism!! Notice, I didn’t even get to what is probably the greatest promise found in verse 12: “…how much more their fulness”!!! When the Gentile does his proper work with the Jew in verse 11—verse 12 says the Jew will not only recognize their Messiah Jesus---but God will pour out His blessing on the world to such a degree that has NEVER---EXISTED---BEFORE!!! *Eze37:1-14; Is11:11-12. The phrase “second time” in Isaiah 11:11 ensures that Israel will return to the land twice! First, under the Medes and Persians under Cyrus(Ezra 1:1,2), and second, this prophecy refers to Israel’s return in 1948. **And ultimately landing us on the promise of Romans 11:12! Quotebit Only be moderately impressed by what someone has done, but be more impressed by what that someone must do. – Derrick Jackson |
Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
November 2024