Here are a couple quotes made by liberals I offered in the first part of this series regarding their invention known as, “The Jefferson Bible”:
"Jefferson wrote his own Bible that excluded all references to miracles, wonders, signs, virgin birth, resurrection, the God-head, and whatever else conflicted with his own religious thought.” -Robert S. Alley, (Barton, pg100) “Jefferson…rejected the superstitions and mysticism of Christianity and even went so far as to edit the Gospels, removing the miracles and mysticism of Jesus. – Jim Walker (Barton, pg101) Interestingly, all that remains from TJ’s 1804 version of the supposed “Jefferson Bible” is the title page; yet we still possess: i.the list of chosen Bible passages ii.the two Bibles he used to clip the passages Therefore, three historians: Dickinson Adams(1983); Charles Sanford(1984); and Mark Beliles(1993) all took it upon themselves to reconstruct TJ’s abridgement using the list of Bible passages (Barton, pg107). If we examine the list of scriptures used by TJ we literally find: 1.Lu.14:1-6: Jesus healed a man of dropsy on the Sabbath 2.Matt.10: Jesus commissions His disciples to go and heal the sick and raise the dead 3.Matt.9:18-25: i.the healing of a woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years ii.the resurrection of girl from the dead 4.Matt.9:27-31: healing of two blind men 5.Matt.11:4-5: Jesus instructing His disciples to report to John the Baptist miracles of people healed of blindness and lameness 6.Matt10:28: Teaching on hell 7.Matt19:29: Teaching on eternal life In other words, the liberal contention that TJ purposefully excluded the miracles of Jesus from his supposed “Jefferson Bible” is as false as their invented title: “The Jefferson Bible”! What’s more, in addition to the 1804 edition, TJ also wrote a second abridgement in 1820!! I repeat, there are two different abridgments made by TJ! The second rendition also contains miracles of Jesus: 1.Jn.7:23: Healing on the Sabbath 2.Matt.24:20-21,29,32,-36; 25:31-34: The Second Coming of Christ 3.Matt.22:28-30: Resurrection of the dead 4.Lu.11:13: The Holy Spirit 5.Matt.5:29-30: Hell 6.Matt.19:16-26: Heaven (Barton, pg115) TJ declares the first 1804 abridgment was for the Indians, but who then was the 1820 edition for? TJ’s grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph answers: “He my grandfather left two codifications of the morals of Jesus—one for himself, and another for the Indians; the first of which I now possess: a blank volume, red morocco, gilt, letters on the back, “The morals of Jesus” into which he pasted extracts in Greek, Latin, French, and English, taken textually from the four gospels and so arranged that he could run his eye over the reading of the same verse in four languages…His codification of the morals of Jesus was not known to his family before his death, and they learned from a letter addressed to a friend that he was in the habit of reading nightly from it before going to bed.” (Barton, pg116) Incredibly, in 1902, Representative John Lacey sponsored a congressional resolution that the government reprint Jefferson’s Morals of Jesus of Nazareth for use by the nation’s senators and representatives. Congress proceeded to print 9,000 copies at government’s expense, and for the next 50 years a copy was given to every senator and representative at his or her swearing in” (Barton, pg117). Did TJ create two abridgments—because he was an antagonistic to Christianity? Did TJ read from the 1820 abridgment every night--because he was an atheist or deist? Did TJ read the 1820 abridgment in four different languages--because he was disrespected the Bible? Here is the elephant in the living room! Why would liberals, like Mr. Walker and Mr. Alley (see beginning quotes), make statements so obviously false? There can be only two possible answers: 1.ignorance 2.intentional Under no circumstances do I believe liberal historians are ignorant! I repeat, liberalism is not ignorant—they willfully perpetrate myths to destroy America’s Judaeo/Christian ethic, in order to replace it with atheism! See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. -Col2:8 *Facts in this tidbit taken from historian David Barton’s incredible book “The Jefferson Lies”. It is a must read!! QuoteBit It is hard to keep that which has not been obtained through personal development. -Jim Rohn
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