“But wisdom is justified by her children” -Matt11:19(NKJV), which means wisdom is known by what it produces.
Allow me to use the NMAAHC position paper just one last time, which they use to present evidence for the doctrine of ‘White Privilege’. Under the specific category of ‘Holidays’, the NMAAHC writes: “Based on Christian religions” as their opinion of ‘Whiteness’*. This statement: 1.illustrates the heart and mind of NMAAHC 2.is a perfect example of the consequence of White Privilege 3.is a perfect example of liberalism First, remember NMAAHC is a Black museum, designed to establish, record, and remember African-American history! Yet, their position paper continues to neither regard, nor respect contemporary American Blacks, nor American Black history!!! Even a cursory review of American history reveals that Blacks have an over 300-year history of Christianity in this nation! The incredible move of God’s Spirit to convert slaves to Christ, in spite of the fact that many of their owners also claimed Christianity, can be described as nothing less than a miracle; a wonder; a sign--to the World--of God’s power, love, and mercy…to Black people! I repeat, to the natural mind, the idea that Black slaves could have literally adopted the religion of their owners is an incomprehensible enigma! Why? It is only natural for slaves to hate the deity whom gave the right and power to the masters to own them! Yet, this did not happen in America!** Although, I have yet to completely prove it, but it is my suspicion that this miracle is true of no other human enslavement in the history of the world!!! Now, back to my point. But…why did the Black slaves adopt the God of their owners? Obviously, it began with God’s power to bring revival to the slaves—using first Whites and then Blacks to evangelize them. But what is also critical to note is that the Providential God wanted to create an irrefutable witness to the world, for all times, of His power upon, and His approval of: 1.America as a nation 2.Black people as an integral part of this nation However, this does not mean: 1.All the slaves were saved; or even that a majority of slaves were saved. God often imputes His grace to a remnant, not necessarily a majority. 2.The slave owners were all saved. ‘Christianization’ is not synonymous with literal salvation, which is only by grace through faith(Eph2:8,9). 3.That God approves of slavery. On the contrary, because slavery cannot save you, Black slaves did not become Christians because of their enslavement; for oppression does save the oppressed. Furthermore, White owners were neither saved nor lost…because they owned slaves! Remember Philemon, the person to whom Paul wrote a letter in the Bible…was a slave owner---yet he was saved, i.e.a Christian. On the contrary, all salvation comes through Christ…alone(Act4:12; Eph2:8,9), not through either good nor bad works. Tragically, in recent decades, liberalism has turned the hearts of many contemporary Black people away from the Christian faith of our forefathers and foremothers! The NMAAHC is just one of many examples! Let’s take a moment to examine the NMAAHC horrific view that American holidays--of which nearly every one is Christian--are examples of Whiteness. Take Christmas first, which is by far, the number one American holiday. Christmas is a day set aside to remember the birth of Jesus, the Son of God, Whom gave His life in death(Heb2:9) for the world (Jn3:16) to be saved. The definition of the “world” in John 3:16 includes every human regardless of skin color. But now, NMAAHC comes along and calls this marvelous, wonderful holiday…an example of Whiteness!?!?! Are you kidding me?!!!??! This is blasphemy!!! Yet, I fully understand why the NHAAMC would label Christmas ‘Whiteness’!!! Because the liberal view of ‘Whiteness’ is tantamount to White racism; and because White racism is considered bad, liberals link Christmas with White racism because their desire is to rid the nation of its foundation(Ps11:3), which is the Judaeo-Christian ethic! Why would liberals desire such a terrible thing? Because liberalism is a doctrine of atheism!! And atheism hates the God of the Bible, because He is the only true God(Jn17:3)! As a matter of fact, to pursue liberalism is synonymous with the pursuit of atheism…for liberalism leads to atheism! 2Thessalonians 2:11 states, “…God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” Through liberalism, America is encountering the wrath of God described in 2Thessalonnians 2:11, where people are calling good evil, and evil good(Is5:20)--willfully choosing to believe a lie…in plain view!!! In conclusion, my argument for Christmas can be made for other American holidays, such as Resurrection Day, Thanksgiving, July 4th, Valentine’s Day, and St Patrick’s Day, etc. The incredible part of all this deceit is that NO American Holiday is based upon ‘Whiteness’—not even Halloween!!! On the contrary, this hideous, liberal position of the NHAAMC perfectly illustrates a consequence of adopting the spirit of White Privilege—judging everything and everyone by skin color! In short, this NHAAMC viewpoint is yet another reason to reject White Privilege! It is a doctrine of devils(1Tim4:1) that does nothing but divide, conquer, promote atheism, and reject the Word of God! It is a philosophy of the flesh, i.e.the sin nature: “Thus says the Lord, “Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind, And makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the Lord” (Jer17:5)! “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ” (Col2:8) *“Whiteness” is THE foundation of WP. Christians...please take a moment and think about this!! **I have read many biographies and autobiographies of slaves, and one thing stands out: their non-hatred for Whites! Tidbit “It is not what you get that makes you successful, it is what you are continuing to do with what you’ve got.” – Denis Waitley
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