Principles learned so far:
Racism is a sin, and is therefore spiritual in nature Racism is Biblically categorized under the sin of elitism Racism is learned Race as defined by man, does not exist in the Bible, nor on the genetic level Racism can ‘ONLY’ be defeated through the ‘image of God’ principle Today’s principle: Racism is an individual sin. When Satan declared his desire, “I will be like the most High”(Is14:14), he was actually declaring himself as a replacement for God!! In other words, because the nature of deity demands the existence of only one God (Is43:10; Is44:6,8; Is45:5), Satan’s desire to be “like God” was not a declaration to be another God along with ‘the only’ God, but to be God in the place of God!! Interestingly, Satan tempted man using this same sin: “…and you will be like God…” (Gen3:5). When man fell for Satan’s lie; like Satan, it resulted in man exalting himself. Man’s sin caused him to believe he could become God, determining his own good and evil. Knowing all, God understood this propensity of sin to cause man to deify himself, so He gave the first two commandments (Ex20)*. Therefore, sin against God is not some simplistic, irrelevant event, but man arrogantly shaking his fist in God’s face and declaring, “You don’t tell me what to do, I do whatever I want---for I am God!” aka: idolatry! It therefore becomes simple to understand how this sin birthed ‘superiority thinking’ in man--the thinking that one man is superior to another. And furthermore, to understand the birth of ‘superiority’s’ twin: one man thinks he is inferior to another! Please stay with me!! Because sin is like leaven, which grows and fills a thing, we have seen millenniums of self-declared superiors teaching other humans of their inherent superiority. This evil morphs, and one of its most popular morphs is racism—using similar skin tones to determine superiority. As I already pointed out, inseparably linked to the idea of superiority by race (skin tone) is the equally false notion of inferiority by race! This explains the history of the sin of racism, not only in America, but all over the world—in different cultures; different religions; different nations, and at different times! As a side note, this also forever settles the contemporary liberal myth that racism is a sin of White people!! On the contrary—like all sin, racism is a sin of humanity!! When the Bible is rejected as the absolute standard for determining good and evil—which liberalism does through twisting the separation of church and state, into the separation of God from the state—then man alone is left to determine his own good and evil(Jud17:6). When the image of God on man was touched by the sin nature after the fall of man, I repeat, one consequence was that man began to believe he is God; i.e.superior to other men. Hence, the erroneous and ridiculous reasoning of racism was born: “My skin tone makes me superior to you!” As men began to join together, and teach each other, the sin of racism (skin tone superiority) became one of many common bonding factors. But other common, bonding evils also arose. For example, the great truth God created man individually in His image and likeness, rationally lead to the truth that the individual is more important than the group. Yet, sin perverted this truth into the myth that the group is more important than the individual. Of course, this perversion lead to the doctrine of Communism/Socialism**. Overtime, and at different times, men began to join together around the common bond of their rejection of God***; which means join together around their common sin. However, because evil is aggressive, men did not simply stand around and call each other pejoratives---but rather began to attack and murder one other (Gen4:8;1Pet5:6; Ps37:32)--which is always the end of sin(Rom3:3)! Tragically, skin tone (Race) is one of many common bonds man uses to declare himself superior to other men! Therefore, racism is the sin nature perverting the image of God, motivating men to join together by the common bond of skin tone, to enforce their superiority by dominating other humans. In conclusion, because racism is an individual AND internal sin, one can be delivered by repentance from sin; and adopting God’s declaration about every human: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” -Genesis 1:26 “…who are made in the likeness of God” -James3:9 The image and likeness of God gift to man is the ‘ONLY’ reason humans are equal! *1.Thou shalt have no other god before me; 2.Thou shalt not make a graven image. **Communism/Socialism is the sister doctrine to liberalism; and both are doctrines of the religion of atheism. ***Genesis 11 is one Biblical example. QuoteBit Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. ~Steve Jobs
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Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
February 2025