Theology means the study of God. Liberal Theology means a study of the Liberal god.’ Or, Liberal Theology is a study of the religion, from which liberalism originates: atheism.
I have been writing on how liberalism redefines words to impose their deception on America. Last time I covered the word ‘rights’, this week let’s look at another word: ‘justice’. First, justice originates in God---for He exists as just Ps129:4(NET); Ps145:17(NET); Is45:21(KJV); 2Thes1:6NIV). Therefore, because God’s nature is just—as shocking as it may sound---it must follow that justice is a theological term…a religious term. If you look at any of the above verses, the Hebrew word describing God’s nature is translated either ‘just’ or ‘righteous’, depending on the version of the Bible. There are at least three ways just (or justice) and righteous intersect in the Bible: 1.The Bible often translates the same Hebrew word as justice or righteousness. 2.Justice requires righteousness to exist. 3.At times, the Bible declares justice and righteousness, as what I call a Dynamic Duo. In other words, the two possess an inseparable link. These three points of intersection once again confirm that justice is a theological, or religious term! Therefore, justice cannot exist apart from God’s will and purposes. Yet, an entire culture of people are shouting for justice, while simultaneously rejecting the God, Who alone gives justice, and Who alone exists as just! Of course, this is yet another evidence for the myth of the separation of church and state—which by the way is a foundational philosophy of liberalism, and its religion--atheism! Furthermore, the Bible declares that governing, or political leadership requires justice and righteousness: “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne…-Ps89:14NAS “…righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne. Ps97:2KJV Building on this truth, the Bible also offers a very specific outline for political office: “He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God” -2Sam23:3 In other words, a person aspiring to a political office needs at least two things: 1.He/she must be just 2.He/she must possess the fear of God If it is true that these verses speak to governing, and they do; yet they also include specific theological requirements, how then can the liberal interpretation of the separation of church and state be true*? In addition, as I just pointed out, the word righteous, is not only very often used synonymously with justice; while at other times, it is permanently linked with justice---yet the Bible also teaches that righteousness can only be imputed (charged) to man by God(Rom4)! Yet, I repeat, if God alone imputes righteousness, and righteousness is often synonymous with justice, or inseparably linked with justice, how can the government reject righteousness—because is theological, without rejecting justice? How can God’s view of justice be ignored when He exists as just, i.e. when justice is His very nature? Can man use God’s nature of justice without God? What kind of tortured logic is that? Yet this is exactly what the liberal view of justice asks! Moving in a different direction, to use the term justice to define an entire legal system, that system by default must exist predicated on rights---which originate in values—or, what is considered valuable. As attorneys, and lawyers, and judges adjudicate, they do so according to previously enacted laws, which derive from a system of rights, or agreed upon cultural values. For example, why is it wrong to steal? The people of a community agree to honor ownership rights,** i.e. a right of individuals to own property. They agree that each person’s possessions are valuable, and others shouldn’t be allowed to just take them. The problem is that because liberals reject the Judaeo/Christian God, it must follow that they reject His values. Therefore, they must create other values, derived from their god(atheism), to replace the Judaeo/Christian values---for which they must also create new laws to protect those new values. For example, the principles of the Constitution and Declaration derive from the Bible.*** Yet, because liberalism rejects the Bible, and because their worldview originates in their religion (atheism), they create new values/rights, based on that religion! For example, there is no right to gay marriage in either the Declaration or Constitution, which boldly and clearly declares that man’s rights originate in the Creator God—Whom by the way, rejects homosexuality(1Cor6:9). So what did liberalism do? They separated God’s view out by perverting the principle of the separation of church and state*, allowing them to redefine equality, and make homosexual and heterosexual marriage equal. In the recent Obergefell case, using their newly created right, originating in their god(atheism), liberals simply declared gay marriage just! Liberalism repeated the same thing with abortion. First, they separated the Biblical God out, once again using the liberal version of the separation of church and state, allowing them to create another right known as a ‘right’ to privacy—which of course exists in neither the Declaration, Constitution, nor the Bible! The end result of liberal justice on abortion: almost 60 million deaths, since 1973! BE ENCOURAGED!! God’s good is better than the devil’s bad! Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds!!! (Rom5:20) Expect a miracle!! God is preparing to pour out His great power, such as we’ve never seen!! *The liberal interpretation of the ‘separation of church and state’ is ‘separation of God from the state.’ **Which in America, the law originates in the Judaeo/Christian ethic. ***Read books, Defending the Declaration, by Gary Amos; Christianity and the Constitution, by John Eidsmoe QuoteBit "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." – NBA, Basketball player, Michael Jordan
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Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
February 2025