In part 1, I listed the Biblical principles used to define marriage. I argued that liberals seek to redefine marriage using their greatest tactic of deception: word manipulation. In this second part, I promised to give you my “One Flesh Phenomenon” which, using another angle, further helps elucidate the gravity of God’s gift of marriage to mankind. Let’s do this!
In Matthew 19:4-6, Jesus quotes Genesis 2:23,24 to answer a question on divorce posed to Him by the Pharisees: 4.“And he answered and said unto them, Have you not read, that he which made them at the beginning, made them male and female, 5.said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they two shall be one flesh? 6.Wherefore they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” -Matt19:4-6 First, Jesus affirms God created mankind with 2 genders: male man and female man, which confirms the first qualification for marriage (see part 1). Second, Jesus affirms God created marriage for one human male, and one human female, confirming ‘Number’ as the second qualification for marriage (see part 1). Third, in verse 5, Jesus makes a declaration: “for this cause”! To what “cause” does He refer? In verse 4, Jesus said at the beginning when God created man male and female, He created two genders with the purpose of a man leaving his father and mother and cleaving to his wife. In short, in order to answer the Pharisees question on divorce, Jesus said God created mankind male and female…for the purpose of marriage! In the context of these great truths, Jesus declares, ‘The One Flesh Phenomenon!’ “Wherefore they are no more two, but one flesh” (Mat19:6) The English word “one” in “one flesh” is translated from the Greek word heis. The word heis means the numeral one, or only (Strong’s Concordance). It is used over 300 times in the N.T. in several ways, of which a couple are: 1.It is used as one, as in number (Jn6:70; Lu15:7) 2.Humans are one in God/Christ (Jn17:11; Rom12:4,5) 3.Humans are one with God through Christ (1Cor6:17; Gal3:28) 4.God is one; or when used with God, “one” reveals the Trinity (Jn8:41; Jn10:30) Point 4 is where “One Flesh” becomes a phenomenon! In Mark12:29,32, heis is used by Jesus to quote Deuteronomy 6:4: “Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord”. This means, in the New Testament, the oneness of God is defined by using heis! Allow me to repeat that…the oneness in the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--is described by using heis!! Are you sitting down? Incredibly, the same Greek word (heis) used to describe the oneness of the Trinity is used to describe the oneness in marriage(Mat19:5,6; Eph5:31)! In other words, the ‘One Flesh Phenomenon’ means when God created marriage, He used the same oneness of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to define the oneness between a man and woman! Selah (Stop and meditate)!!! Furthermore, a reason God used the oneness of His Trinity to create the oneness in human marriage, is to give the world a natural example of the Godhead! The Bible declares one way God reveals Himself to the world is through His creation (Rom1:20). Therefore, everything God made was created for the purpose of unveiling Himself to mankind (Ps19:1-4;Rom1:20). Because the institution of marriage is created…it reveals God. How again does marriage reveal God? Incredibly, through the creation of marriage between one man and one woman--as one flesh, God sovereignly chose to reveal to mankind the oneness of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!! The great truth of the ‘One Flesh Phenomenon’ is one major reason Satan is so focused on destroying the institution of marriage. Satan’s plan is clear to anyone who has eyes to see! To re-define* marriage destroys: 1.the institution of marriage 2.man’s understanding of God On the contrary, the GOOD NEWS is because God has already given us the victory (1Cor15:57), we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices (2Cor2:11)!!! *Satan is the culprit, but liberalism is the tool! QuoteBit "If you would lift me up, you've got to be on higher ground" – Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Derrick JacksonPastor, Author Archives
February 2025