In part one, I laid-out God’s definition of diversity. The ‘definitions of words’ are imperative because ‘definition’ originates in purpose, which originates in its Creator. To better elucidate this critical order, allow me to offer a visual:
1.Creator. Sovereign over, and Owner of, all that exists 2.Purpose. Creator creates according to His purpose for the creation 3.Creation. Consists of all existence: beings, things, concepts, and ideas 4.Definition. Creator determines definition of His creation according to its purpose Therefore, because God is the Sovereign and Creator of all things—making Him the owner of all things--He possesses the inherent right to define His creation. Yet, because man is like God, he also creates, and therefore possesses the inherent right to define his creation according to his original purpose. All-is-well until, in his rebellion, man attempts to trespass on God’s sovereignty, and re-define HIS creation!!!* Because re-definition always leads to more re-definition, for example, by re-defining the ‘separation of church and state’ to the ‘separation of God from the state’, over decades of time liberalism has systematically dismantled America’s traditional Judaeo-Christian ethic…which of course, includes the re-definition of God’s Diversity. The liberal purpose of re-definition is to create confusion, which they know leads to chaos. Liberalism then self-appoints itself to restore the calm by installing their new definitions. The success of their re-definition tactics has led to their ultimate objective, which is moral authority, which is used to achieve political power, and bring ‘fundamental change’ to America!! How does ‘liberal fundamental change’ look? Let’s take a quick look at liberalism’s application of diversity to race, a.k.a. ‘Racial Diversity’. 1.Liberal Racial Diversity. As one ponders the term ‘Racial Diversity’, we are immediately reminded of President Lyndon Baines Johnson’s (LBJ) speech at Howard University where he offered an analogy that, to this day, is used to drive “Liberal Racial Diversity”. The president basically said you can’t take a person who has been discriminated against, enslaved, lynched, and hobbled; place him on the starting-line of a race and expect him to compete with the other world-class athletes!! He was actually making a case for race-based preferences. In effect, this meant two things: i.Blacks ought to be included ii.Blacks need Whites to be included, i.e. Blacks need Whites to make it! Therefore, as Racial Diversity is initially considered, it appears to be an absolute need. I mean, who would oppose “including more Black people”, when the history of Blacks in America includes everything from unashamed, overt oppression; to covert, systematic, and legal exclusion? I mean, the principles in our founding documents boldly declare that all men are created equal; and endowed with freedom…should not Blacks therefore, also be allowed to participate? While the liberal intent to include Blacks may be sincere**; because liberalism rejects God, its methods are contrary to God’s word, and therefore, only serve to make things worse. Why? When God created mankind, within the genetic possibilities, He created incredible diversity in the human external look. In other words, the physical make-up of mankind is as vast as the sands of the sea; so much that after finishing the apex of His creation, God declared man: “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps139:14)! However, God did not create the physical look of man as a foundation for productivity!!! It is for this reason that Dr. Martin Luther King said, Blacks ought not be judged by the “color of their skin”!!! While Dr King specifically referred to Blacks being judged negatively by the color of their skin; for example, discrimination in employment because of skin color; it is also true that God never intended for Blacks to be judged positively by skin color—for example, racial preferences!! Why? 1Samuel 16:7 says, “…man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” While man looks negatively on the outward appearance of man, which is often called racism; man also looks positively on the outward appearance of man, which in this case, is called racial preferences---neither one is designed for productivity!! Over the years of applying diversity to race in productivity, things have continued to degenerate into greater and greater chaos. For example, in an effort to achieve racial diversity at schools like Harvard University, meaning more Black and Hispanic enrollment, many schools have lowered their standards of acceptance. In other words, Whites and Asians have one standard of acceptance, and Blacks and Hispanics have a lowered standard!! Not only is this racism, and an assault on Black and Hispanic dignity, it has resulted in incredible Black failure, and dropout rates! As a matter of fact, it has also resulted in less racial diversity! Let’s return to President Johnson’s analogy above. You see, the problem with LBJ’s wisdom is that it is false! While it is true that you can’t put a hobbled man at the starting line with world-class athletes and expect him to compete, neither can you give him a head-start! God created only one way to productivity—meritocracy (Gen1:28; Mat25:14-29)! Contrary to ‘Liberal’ racism, Blacks don’t need Whites to make-it!!! Blacks need Christ***, i.e.the Word of God! The GREAT lie of liberalism is that Blacks need government to make it! Liberals fight for political power because, having rejected the authentic God, they make government their god! Therefore, by gaining power over the government, they able to declare themselves deity…and provide for all their peons! Remember, liberalism is a doctrine of atheism! And…atheism is the religion of self-deity! *This is the root problem of liberalism. **While some believe in liberalism’s good intentions—I do not! In my 25 years of studying liberalism, I believe God has revealed to me its evil origin—which possesses nothing good! As liberalism allowed Hitler to take-over Germany, liberalism will allow the anti-Christ to take-over the world! Christian…BEWARE!!! ***Like every other human! QuoteBit If you want the things on the high shelf, you must stand on the books you read. -Jim Rohn
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November 2024