In the beginning, God labored six days creating the heavens and the earth. At the end of creating, He made man, and planted him on a perfectly prepared earth. Because God is sovereign, He could have made man any way He desired. For example, God could have created man to walk on all fours, like apes; He could have made man’s knees to bend backwards, like birds; He could have given man more than two eyes. And finally, He could have made man independent of the earth!
Key1- God created man like Himself, in His image. Key2- God made man dependent on Himself. Key3-God created man dependent on the earth Even ‘after’ His resurrection, Jesus ate (Lu24:42)! Key4-God created everything which has life dependent on the earth Question: Why did not God make man dependent only on Himself, i.e.needing only spiritual sustenance? Question: Why did God make man dependent on the earth, after creating him like Himself, Who is dependent on nothing or no one? Even in the Garden of Eden--before man fell--God made man to require the earth’s resources to exist. So, the dependence of man on the earth is not a result of the fall, but the perfect plan of the sovereign God! Therefore, man is dependent on: 1.God; 2.Earth. But why? One reason, and maybe even the primary reason, is God is a Father. Just a couple of ‘Fatherhood’ responsibilities are source and provider. Ps145:15,16 declares: “The eyes of all wait upon thee; and thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing” (see also Ps104:27,28; Joel1:20) This powerful passage declares every living thing: 1.looks to God for sustenance; and 2.God supplies their every need. To ponder for one minute, the supply the earth must possess in order to nourish “every living thing”--is absolutely mind-boggling! Actually, it is beyond human comprehension!!! Because God originally created the earth to exist forever; and He originally planned on mankind never to die---the supply God created ‘IN’ the earth cannot be limited!! Remember, the Bible calls the earth’s supply: “full”*. The Hebrew word means fulness (lit.) or fig.); fill, full, fulness, full, multitude (Strong’s). Notice it does not say the earth is empty, or running out! I repeat, it says the earth is full! Describing something as “full” does not convey the idea of enough, but of more than enough. For example, God created the Garden of Eden “FULL”! It was full of trees with fruit, and other natural supplies. As a matter of fact, God created the earth full of natural resources—and remember the earth was the same size it is now! We don’t know the size of Eden, it could have been 10 miles by 10 miles; 100miles by 100miles, or the size of the entire land mass of earth!! Yet, regardless of its size, its supply was many times more than Adam and Eve could have consumed!! But why would God make so much for TWO people?** Using the natural mind, one could accuse God of waste! On the contrary, God is not wasteful, He is the God who supplies more than enough…He is our example of Fatherhood! He is the God of abundance! He is the God of natural prosperity***!!! This great truth reveals the nature of God! It speaks to God’s way of providing, i.e. of His Fathering!! This truth describes God’s provision, or His nature which drives His provision: more than enough, i.e.abundant! In other words, when God provides, beginning with the Garden of Eden, He does not provide ‘enough’, He provides more than enough! Why? Because He is the God of abundance!! His provision is abundant, because it originates from His nature of abundant provision!!!e is Why did God make the Solar System so large? Why did He make the Milky Way so huge? And don’t even think about the size of the Universe, lest you get a headache!!! The answer is simple, God is BIG, beyond human comprehension! He created the Universe to show man His immensity! Yet, His size reveals the ‘way’ He provides! Why? Because what God created, He created FOR mankind—the apex of His creation! Therefore, as the Universe, the Galaxy, even the Solar System are incomprehensible in size—they reveal God’s provision for man as abundant, i.e.more than enough!! Rejoice and be glad!!! For, God is good (His nature); and does good(the works of His nature)(Ps119”68)!! God cannot be good, without doing good. One of the infinitum ways God does mankind good is to prosper him!! *Repeatedly God says the earth is full! Ps24:1; Deut33:16; 1Chron16:32; Ps50:12; Ps89:11;Ps96:11; Ps98:7 **And, please don’t make the unthinking point that God made the Garden for all the people of the earth! Sure, while that is ultimately true, God started with only two people, not 10 billion!! And, if you argue the Garden could have supplied 10 billion people, you have just confirmed my point of its vast size 'WHEN’ only two people were present! ***Actually, He created man to prosper in every area of life! Quotebit Believe in people and their potential, not in what you see, but what you don’t see. - unknown
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November 2024