Poetry is emotional: it is psychological. “Poetry valorizes and embraces the resources of the unconscious”*. On poetry, Carl Jung says, “the creative impulse arises from the unconscious, and is also capricious and willful in character.” Finally, I like to say that poetry arises from the heart, i.e. the inner most nature of its author. On Marx’s poetry, historian Paul Johnson commented, “Savagery is a characteristic note of his verse, together with the intense pessimism of the human condition, hatred, a fascination with corruption and violence, suicide pacts and pacts with the devil.”** The following is a mere snapshot into Marx’ soul through his poetry writings:
The Pale Maiden, 1837 “The Heaven I’ve forfeited I know full well. My soul, once true to God Is chosen for hell” The Player, 1841 “That my eyes be blinded and my heart burst And my soul resounds in the depths of Hell. Look now, my blood-dark sword shall stab Unerringly within thy soul…. God neither knows nor honors art…. The hellish vapors rise and fill the brain, Til I go mad and my heart is utterly changed. See the sword—the Prince of Darkness sold it to me. For the beats of the time and gives the signs Evermore boldly I play the dance of death. I must play darkly, I must play lightly.” Robert Payne, a Marx biographer believes “the ‘Player’ referred to in the poem’s title is Lucifer or Mephistopheles.”*** -Nocturnal Love “…Thou hast drunk of my soul! Mine is the glowing fire! Shine, O my jewel Shine, shine, O blood of youth! …So she spoke in gentle whispers …While the terror lay around And the light of roaring flames …Darling thou has drunk of poison And now thou must depart from me… He pressed her violently to his heart Death on her breath and breast She was pierced by deeper pain And her eyes were closed forever. Marx’s biographer Robert Payne comments on this poem, “a man does not write of such things unless he is on the verge of madness or despair.”4* And even more tragic, is the idea that this could refer to one or both of his daughters who killed themselves drinking poison in ‘suicide pacts!!! -Feelings Heaven I would comprehend I would draw the world to me; Living, hating, I intend That my star shine brilliantly … and …Worlds I would destroy forever, Since I can create no world; Since my call, they notice never … Obviously, Marx’s heart was dedicated to the destruction…of the world!! However, what is very, very, very, very odd is that this poem was first dedicated to his childhood girlfriend; and subsequently, to his wife Jenny! I am utterly amazed at two things: 1.if his wife knew that he dedicated a poem of a former girlfriend…to her?!?! And what’s even worse, what kind of a mind believes the destruction of the world is romantic?!?!? -The Fiddler See this sword? the prince of darkness Sold it to me. And With Satan, I have struck my deal, He chalks the signs, beats time for me I play the death march fast and free. Incredibly, this poem was dedicated to his father! Who dedicates a poem about Satan to his dad? Finally, how about the Marx’ play entitled, ‘Oulanem’. Biographer Robert Payne says ‘Oulanem’ is an anagram for “Manuelo”, “Immanuel,” or “God” or, “Manuelo=Immanuel=God”5*. Marx’ Biographer Richard Wurmbrand is an agreement, also called ‘Oulanem’ a Satanist anagram for Emmanuel. Finally, ‘Oulanem’ is also used by some musicians as a symbol for the “Anti-Christ”. Marx writes, “Oulanem, Oulanem. The name rings forth like a death, rings forth until it dies away in a wretched crawl.”6* Marx continues: “Yet, I have power within my youthful arms To clench and crush you with tempestuous force, While for us both the abyss yawns in darkness. You will sink down and I shall follow laughing, Whispering in your ears, “Descend” Come with me, friend.” At the conclusion of the play, Oulanem stands up and declares: “All lost! The hour is now expired, and time Stands still. Soon I shall clasp Eternity and howl Humanity’s giant curse into its ear. Eternity! It is eternal pain, Death inconceivable, immeasurable! An evil artifice contrived to taunt us.” “I shall howl gigantic curses at mankind!”7* Marx biographer Richard Wurmbrand says, “In Oulanem Marx does what the Devil does: he consigns the entire human race to damnation. Oulanem may be the only drama in which every character is fully aware of his or her own corruption and yet all flaunt and celebrate it with prideful conviction. All of the characters are irredeemably bad”8* And….And….And….And…And…this is the mindset, i.e. the heart of the man whom BLM’s Patrice Cullors proudly declares, “We are trained Marxists!” I wonder in which poem was she trained?!?!? Karl Marx was obviously demon-possessed!!! Why then would it be a surprise that his product: Communism, Socialism, and Fascism, is responsible for at least a minimum of 150 million deaths!?!? Remember, the Bible declares, “The thief (Satan) comes but for to kill, steal, and destroy…” -John 10:10?!?!? And, “You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it. -Jn8:44 *Unknown **Paul Kengor, ‘The Devil and Karl Marx’. Pg37. *** Paul Kengor, ‘The Devil and Karl Marx’. Pg41. 4* Paul Kengor, ‘The Devil and Karl Marx’. Pg43. 5* Paul Kengor, ‘The Devil and Karl Marx’. Pg44.’ 6* Paul Kengor, ‘The Devil and Karl Marx’. Pg46.’ 7* Paul Kengor, ‘The Devil and Karl Marx’. Pg46.’ 8* Paul Kengor, ‘The Devil and Karl Marx’. Pg47.’ Quotebit It's one thing for a man to be a friend of sinners, but it's quite another for him to be such a friend of sinners that he becomes an enemy of God by betraying His Word.. - unknown
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February 2025