Until recently, America has historically used the Judaeo/Christian ethic to determine good and evil. What happened? In short, the slow creep of liberalism! As a doctrine of atheism, liberalism facilitates atheism*. Therefore, because liberal/atheism has an entirely different system of ethics, by adopting liberalism, America’s idea of good and evil has dramatically shifted.
For example, allow me to give you four quotes by Martin Luther King: 1."How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God." 2.“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. 3.“I still have dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.” 4.“I have a dream that one day …little black boys and girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and girls and walk together as sisters and brothers.” Notice the Judaeo/Christian ethic running through MLK’s statements: 1.All laws possess morality, and morality originates in the Word of God, i.e. Judaeo/Christian ethic(Rom7:12). 2.Just and unjust laws create either justice or injustice. Because this is true, we have a mandate to fight injustice everywhere…beginning in America. Yet Dr King believed, justice could not be defined apart from the Word of God(Deut32:4)! 3.Part of the American dream is justice for all Americans! Yet, America’s call from God is to be a light to the nations!! (Pro14:34;Ps33:12) 4.Blacks and Whites are equal! All human equality--without exception--originates in the image and likeness of God(Gen1:27;Gal3:28;1Cor12:13). Therefore, Dr King used the Judaeo/Christian ethic, which is the ethic for the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the ethic of America, as his standard for: morality, laws, justice, injustice, equality, and inequality; which by the way, he used to judge racism in America! On the contrary, atheism uses a totally opposite ethic. For example, Darwinism, one of atheism’s doctrines teaches that mankind evolved, which therefore means it rejects the inherent equality of all men. Confirming this fact, Darwinism also declares mankind exists using the ‘survival of the fittest’ ethic; which is a euphemism for the ‘might makes right’, or the ethic of the animal kingdom! Agreeing with these two doctrines, is yet another atheist doctrine: relativism; which declares every man is right in his own eyes;** which supports yet another atheist doctrine: licentiousness; which means every man is free; free to determine his own good; free to ‘do’ whatever he wants! Free to ‘be’ whatever he feels! What then is Liberal Racism? To be candid—it is complicated! Because liberalism rejects the traditional Judaeo/Christian ethic, it must create its own definition of racism--consistent with its doctrines! In short, atheism’s standard for determining good is ‘the feelings ethic’, i.e.whatever feels good is good. The problem with this ethic is that feelings are different for every human(relativism), therefore when feelings are used as the standard for good and evil, huge areas of hypocrisy follow! Yet…that is the theology, i.e. the logical end of atheism/liberalism! So who is a ‘racist’ to liberals? First, White people are racist! There are many examples, here is one. Recently, in Norman, Oklahoma, a ‘white’ high school teacher simply declared to his class of ‘white’ kids: “to be white is to be racist, period.” How does a ‘white’ teacher conclude ‘ALL WHITE’ people are racist? Five steps: 1.He(a white man) had a personal experience of oppressing minorities; or watched other whites oppress minorities. 2.He read history and discovered that white people in America and Europe oppressed others; 3.Because liberals dominate the megaphones of the culture: media, Hollywood, and academia; the ‘white’ teacher is shown constant visuals of minorities being attacked or oppressed by whites; while simultaneously hearing a continual scream of: “White supremacy”! 4.The media intentionally suppresses any and all contrary evidence (Rom1:18NAS) 5.The liberal interpretation of both the historical and contemporary data creates feelings of guilt; then remorse; followed by a desire to make amends! Hence, coupling his private experience, with the constant barrage of the cultural megaphones —the ‘white’ teacher’s shame of white people is validated! Therefore, to appease his conscience, and walk lock-step with the cultural mandate—he concludes whiteness is racist; which gives him evidence to extrapolate his personal guilt/disgrace upon all white people! On the other hand, because remorse normally moves one to action, he desires a remedy. His honest, sincere self-introspection concludes: “What can I do?” “What can I change?” “How should I handle this?” However, the obvious conclusion presents an enormous dilemma: if it is true that whiteness is racist, the white teacher has an irreconcilable problem—his own whiteness! Because he is a rational human being however, which is especially true of a teacher, he is accustomed to identifying and resolving problems. Yet, this particular time--his whiteness--presents the problem: “How do I something so permanent as my whiteness?!?!” he scratches his head in bewilderment! He must return to the doctrines and values of his religion, i.e. ‘the feelings ethic’, to deal with his guilt and shame. However, even liberalism’s ‘feelings ethic’ cannot deliver him from his impossible scenario! His only recourse is to resort to anger! Yet, to ‘whom’ should he point his anger? Of course, he cannot be angry with minorities because that would establish his own guilt of racism! All that remains is to direct his anger at those who disagree with his original liberal tenet: ‘White people are racist’! According to contemporary liberalism: white supremacy can never change…because of white privilege…which can never change…because of whiteness…which obviously can never change---because it is God-given! Therefore, the injustice of whiteness can exist only through anger! In conclusion, it is obvious to all rational people that this liberal philosophy is completely racist--as defined by the traditional Dictionary—because it uses race, i.e.skin color, to judge superiority! In other words, liberals use racism to accuse of racism! Or said another way, liberalism uses its own racism, to accuse others of racism, to justify its own racism, in order to gain moral superiority! As a sidenote, liberalism normally uses racism as a weapon to discredit, to disenfranchise, to protest, to shut down, to disallow discourse, to destroy—its enemies. Liberalism declares racists should not be allowed to speak; they argue because the words of racists are violent, their words can only be met with violence. Yet, if it is true that all white people are racist, why do not all white liberals--because of their whiteness-- simply shut their own mouths—and shut themselves down; discredit themselves, i.e. destroy themselves! Why does not the white school teacher, I wrote of earlier, discredit himself for his whiteness, and then shut himself down?!? Better yet, why does not the white school teacher protest himself, and then fire himself! But again, this is the logic of Liberal Racism! To be continued… *Atheism is a religion. Besides liberalism, other atheist doctrines include: Darwinism; Communism/Socialism/Fascism; Relativism; Licentiousness (sexual perversion); the re-definition of the separation of church and state. And what’s more, adopting its doctrines, leads to a proliferation of atheism in America. **Judges17:6 QuoteBit Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. --Christian D. Larson
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