Theology means the study of God. Liberal Theology means the study of God from a liberal perspective. (Please see Tidbit 1 for liberalism’s full definition)
In the last tidbit I showed that while homosexuality predates liberalism; gay theology--the thinking that God accepts homosexuality--is a new theology, built upon liberalism’s doctrines. Prior to that tidbit, I showed that liberal theology is able to generate such great deception because it uses many Biblical doctrines and words, but changes their definitions. Sadly, gullible Christians hear liberals use Biblical terms, and conclude that liberalism is the same as Christianity. I have noticed that Satan uses this same deception on people who attempt to advocate for the sameness of the Koran and the Bible, because the Koran contains some Bible words, for example: Mary, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jesus, etc. I have even heard people call themselves Christian-Muslims!! Moving forward. Besides altering such Biblical words as love, grace, freedom, and hate, I would like to identify another Bible term altered by liberalism: separation of church and state. The term ‘separation of church and state’ is used everywhere by liberals as though it were part of the Constitution, or Declaration of Independence--which it is not! Yet, liberalism has been successful through liberal judges to pervert the term, making it a legally binding point to shut-out Christians, as well as the Bible, as a source for determining right and wrong. How does liberalism pervert ‘separation of church and state’? Again, while using the same words, which immediately draws many people and gullible Christians, they re-interpret the ‘intent’ of the phrase to be ‘separation of God from the state’. The slight difference in wording ends with a complete over-haul of its original intent; original meaning; and most of all—its application! Liberalism has successfully re-interpreted the original phrase to mean that neither God, nor His word--the Bible, can be appealed to in government, education, business, media, etc. The Word of God, through the liberal re-interpretation of ‘the separation of church and state’, is now removed from public view! First, what’s most interesting is the liberal hypocrisy on display by their appeal to this term. The term ‘separation of church and state’ originated with a ‘preacher’ named Richard Hooker, around the 16th century, who was attempting identify and define…a Bible doctrine! Pastor Hooker invented the term ‘separation of church and state’ to explain God’s relationship to both the church and the government. At the time, the church was crossing the line into the government’s purpose—which is called a ‘church-state’. Pastor Hooker wanted people to understand that because God is the Creator of all, and therefore ruler over all, He sovereignly separates to both the church and state their respective purposes, therefore, neither a ‘church-state’, nor a ‘state-church’ are Biblical! Pastor Hooker wanted people to understand that for one to intrude on the other’s God-ordained purpose destroys both. Jesus said, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s, and unto God the things which be God’s” (Lu20:25)…with God as the Sovereign Who alone determines what is Caesar’s (government), and what is His! Now…the liberal interpretation of the term is hypocrisy because they use a Bible doctrine* to support their rejection of the Bible! Liberalism attempts to use a term invented by a pastor, to describe something originating in God’s word, to keep God’s word out of the public view! How can God create the government (Gen10) and then kick Himself out? On the contrary, not only did He create government, but rules over it(Is9:6,7)!! Yet, this sort of hypocritical reasoning is common among liberals!! Second, the liberal interpretation of church and state, i.e. to separate God from the state, is part of man’s original sin. Satan told Adam he did not need God to discern good and evil; all he needed was to eat the fruit of the tree(Gen3:5). In other words, Satan declared, you don’t need God, you can separate from Him, and still be like Him, knowing good and evil…by eating the fruit of this tree! On the contrary, the separation of God from ‘anything’ is idolatry! God sustains all(Col1:16); upholds all (Heb1:3); and is the only Sovereign, ruling over all(1Tim6:15)! Third, God’s name is Nissi (Ex17:15)! The name means banner or flag. In other words, God’s name, AND God’s Word…must be raised-up over all! This is ‘THE’ way to righteousness, and ‘THE’ way God blesses a nation(Pro14:34). I repeat—there is no other way to God’s blessing than for His name to be lifted-up: in a nation, a culture, a church, a family, or over an individual! Fourth, the term ‘separation of church and state’ came into the American contemporary consciousness through a letter to the Danbury Baptists from President Thomas Jefferson. He wrote the letter to assure the Baptists that ‘CONGRESS’ would not make a law enforcing a particular way to serve God! The first amendment therefore, was intended to keep the federal government from creating either a state-church or a church-state! It was not intended to keep Christians from government, nor from using God’s principles (Bible) to govern!! As president, Thomas Jefferson used government monies to build a church for the Kaskaskia Indians, and paid for a priest to preach! Obviously President Jefferson, to whom the separation of church and state is attributed, did not believe in the ‘liberal’ interpretation of separating God from the state! Liberalism’s perversion of the ‘separation of church and state’ into the ‘separation of God from the state’ is a diabolical evil! It has allowed liberals to remove America’s historical Judaeo/Christian ethic, and replace it with the liberal doctrine of relativism. Relativism teaches: whatever feels good, is good. Relativism is the end of any definition of good and evil—which means all behaviors are acceptable! Hence, as America continues its descent into the abyss of the theology of liberalism, we find ourselves moving from gay marriage to the licentious behavior of men using women’s bathrooms and showers! I am called to warn you that unless America repents, such abominable behaviors are only the beginning….of the end! My dearly beloved, let us not be ignorant of the schemes of the devil (Eph6:11)! *The term: ‘the separation of church and state’ was invented by a pastor to identify a Bible doctrine!! QuoteBit What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence. -Samuel Johnson [1709-1784] Lexicographer and writer
1 Comment
6/9/2016 11:05:37 am
Without question the" Liberal Agenda" is inherently evil, we'd be remissed to ignore the complicity and complacency of God's people with liberalism for the last 58 years! We turned our heads in 1956, 1960-1973, 1975-1988. It is great to hear the truth! Keep righteously bloggin!!📠
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February 2025