Patriotism is loyalty to a vision--not a man, nor a people group! Because God is the sovereign of the future, He is vision’s sole creator and distributor (Amos8:11,12;Pro29:18;1Sam3:1). For this reason, Patriotism is good to a family; to a school; to a job; to a team; to a nation!
Because anything without vision will perish(Pro29:18), God gave America a vision! It is called the Declaration of Independence.* President Abraham Lincoln recognized the importance of the Declaration, not only to America…BUT THE WORLD: "The Declaration of Independence gave liberty not alone to the people of this country, but hope to all the world for all future time. It was that which gave promise that in due time the weights would be lifted from the shoulders of all men, and that all should have an equal chance. This is the sentiment embodied in the Declaration of Independence...” Before becoming president, George Washington ALSO recognized America’s importance to the world. In July of 1776, he said, “The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army.” The ‘unborn millions’ referred to by General Washington were not just Americans; but like Lincoln, our first president understood America’s vision extended to the whole EARTH! It is to this vision that---I am loyal!! It is to this vision that I am a patriot!! It is this vision that makes America exceptional! And sadly, it is to this vision that liberalism objects, and wages war! When groups like Black Lives Matter; the NFL, the liberal Media, liberals; and individuals like Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Williams, Collin Kaepernick, and certain NBA individuals, use police brutality to support their accusation that America is racist, I will show you, at its core, it is an attack on the very vision of God! Before I show you however, remember this warning--the tragic effect Kaeperick, and his followers are having on our nation’s youth will be permanent! It is forever! It’s not going away in the future! The High School kids in the Oakland band who played the National anthem on a knee in protest; or the college kids that protested at the SMU football game, or other youth across the nation protesting our flag and our National anthem--will not suddenly stop--even if police never shoot another Black!! Why? Their hearts are learning hatred for America!! Remember, Kaepernick honors men like Malcom X and Fidel Castro! Let’s be honest…do you really think the Black Muslims, or Louis Farakhan, or the Castro family, will ever ‘honor’, ‘love’, ‘respect’, become ‘patriots’ of America?!?! Their hatred is eternal! As I promised, how then is support for protesting the national anthem, and our flag, attacking the vision of God for this nation? When BLM, Kaepernick, and liberals attack America as a racist nation, by their own words, their evidence is police killing Blacks. In reality however, this is only a mask. The liberal media purposely restricts t.v. visuals to only police shooting Blacks, and then repeats those visuals, which serves as extremely valuable to their objectives, because it ramps-up Black anger! Hidden behind their mask however, is the real evidence for establishing American racism--slavery! The real face of liberalism transcends the present protests of racism desiring to establish America as inherently racist! Therefore, they only use contemporary police shootings of Blacks as a doorway to push their real agenda which is America’s perennial racism! In other words, Satan’s device is to destroy America internally by convincing Blacks that neither the Declaration nor the Constitution were meant for us because slavery proves that not only were the founders racist, they founded a racist nation which continues today as evidenced by police murdering Blacks! Even the UN is now in on the act, claiming because of police shootings, America is racist and should pay reparations…even accusing police of being lynchers! Don’t you see liberalism’s logic**?!?!! To reject the Founders because they are racist, also means we must reject their racist vision, i.e. the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution! Have you not noticed the liberal push to change the Constitution; even to throw it out? Or, what about the liberal push to destroy Thomas Jefferson, because he owned slaves? This liberal plot is obvious in President Obama’s statement: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Are you not aware that the Declaration and Constitution are THE fundamentals of America?! Yet, to reject the Declaration and Constitution, which are God-given documents, means we must also reject the God who gave them!! This is supported by yet another President Obama statement: “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation.” The liberal attack on America only ends when the Judeao-Christian ethic is removed as the nation’s foundation—which liberals believe can happen through destroying America’s Founders---which can accomplished through incessantly proclaiming the Founders racist slave owners---which opens the door to attack their vision, the Declaration and Constitution—which occurs right now through connecting the racism of America’s past slavery with the present racism of police killing blacks! Finally, through the liberal media screaming, “America is racist” by way of police shootings, many Blacks unconsciously adopt liberalism; which leads to the hatred and rejection of ‘racist’ America! Yet tragically, the more Blacks reject America, the more we reject not only America’s vision, but the God of America’s vision! Have you noticed not only the rise of Black hatred of America, i.e. NFL players resurrecting the 1960’s Black power fists; but tragically, the rise of atheism among Black people? The two go hand-in-glove…liberalism leads to atheism! In conclusion, Blacks have every reason to love America! For Black people--including Africa—America is the freest nation on earth!! Are you not aware that England and America are the only nations in world history that freed slaves based upon the conscience of the slave owners?!?! A conscience by the way--which was not atheist---but Christian!!*** It was God’s purpose to give America the vision which created the Declaration and Constitution---and which freed the slaves! The sovereign God has a calling on this nation—AND--the Blacks of this nation! To reject America, is to reject God’s calling/vision; to reject that calling, is to reject the God of that calling! On the contrary, Black people are God-ordained to be America’s greatest patriots!! *The Constitution is also part of America’s vision, it is the law that enforces the vision. **Which is Satan’s device(1Cor2:11)! ***The abolitionists were Christians, or Christianized! The vast majority of the 60’s Civil Rights leaders were Reverends! Is that an accident?!?! I think not! Like God delivered Israel, He delivered Blacks from American slavery! QuoteBit Success is 20% skills and 80% strategy. You might know how to read, but more importantly, what's your plan to read? -Jim Rohn
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February 2025