Anytime the “separation of Church and State” is mentioned, Thomas Jefferson must be part of the debate. Interestingly (and incredibly), the only part of Thomas Jefferson’s life and work considered worthy by liberalism is his use of the term ‘separation of church and state’. Remember, Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, to which liberals hold their nose only for the purpose of using his “separation of church and state”!!! In other words, liberalism would love to disrespect Thomas Jefferson like they disrespect all the other Founding Fathers: ‘old dead White men’: who were racists, patriarchs (women haters), and homophobes…but they need his ‘separation of church and state’ to complete their higher objective, which is to legally remove Christianity(Bible)—for which they reserve their most fervent hatred—from public view!
Once again, liberalism reverts to their primary form of deception: “word manipulation” in order to ‘use’ Thomas Jefferson for their sinister objectives. For example, as I have already pointed out in the previous tidbits, liberals not only cunningly transform the term ‘separation of church and state’ into ‘separation of God from the state’, but they: 1.usurp Thomas Jefferson’s name for the necessary moral credibility to support their fraudulent interpretation. For example, they may declare something like, “Thomas Jefferson used it…!” or, “Thomas Jefferson wrote it…!” or, “In Thomas Jefferson’s own words…!” 2.intentionally focus attention on the word “separation” in order to separate God out from the culture. 3.ignore Jefferson’s intent for the term ‘separation of church and state’; and more importantly, they ignore Richard Hooker’s intent, who originated the term. 4.ignore Jefferson’s personal and public life—relative to the use of the term Allow me cite just one example of liberalism’s deception. As President of the United States(1801-1809), Thomas Jefferson, the one liberals call THE AUTHOR of the ‘separation of church and state’, asked the Congress of United States--who by the way obliged—to ratify a treaty with the Kaskaskia Indians on December 3, 1803. The treaty stated: "And whereas the greater part of the said tribe have been baptized and received into the Catholic Church, to which they are much attached, the United States will give annually, for seven years, one hundred dollars toward the support of a priest of that religion, who will engage to perform for said tribe the duties of his office, and also to instruct as many of their children as possible, in the rudiments of literature, and the United States will further give the sum of three hundred dollars, to assist the said tribe in the erection of a church." Prior to this treaty, on April 26, 1802, Thomas Jefferson extended an 1787 act of Congress, which designated: "For the sole use of Christian Indians and the Moravian Brethren missionaries for civilizing the Indians and promoting Christianity." In 1806 and 1807, the same or similar treaties were extended to two other Indian tribes: the Wyandotte and Cherokee tribes. For emphasis, let’s re-examine and repeat these facts! Before Thomas Jefferson became president, the Congress of the United states endorsed and sent Moravian Brethren missionaries to the Indian tribes, “for civilizing the Indians and promoting Christianity." AND, Thomas Jefferson, the author of the separation of church and state, not only agreed with this policy—but continued it!!!! While Thomas Jefferson, the author of the separation of church and state, was president of the United States, both he and the Congress of the United States endorsed the following: 1.Kaskaskia Indians. a.sent a Catholic priest to the Kaskaskia Indians b.paid the priest with government monies $100 per year for seven years c.built a church for the Kaskaskias d.paid $300 for the church’s erection with government monies 2.Repeated what they did for the Kaskaskia Indians for the: a.Wyandotte Indian tribe b.Cherokee Indian tribe --Does this Thomas Jefferson sound like the Thomas Jefferson liberals ‘use’ to reject nativity scenes, crosses, or anything Christian on government property…or in public view? --Does this Thomas Jefferson sound like the Thomas Jefferson liberals ‘use’ to prevent young people from speaking about Christ at their graduation ceremonies? --Does this Thomas Jefferson sound like the Thomas Jefferson liberals ‘use’ to support the rejection of Bible passages by our Air Force or Navy? --Does this Thomas Jefferson sound like the Thomas Jefferson liberals ‘use’ to support the rejection of God, the Bible, and Christianity from public schools? --Does this Thomas Jefferson sound like the Thomas Jefferson liberals ‘use’ to support transforming the ‘separation of church and state’ into the ‘separation of God from the state’? On the contrary, The God of the Bible--Who is the only true God--can be separated from nothing! --He alone holds all things together by the Word of His power (Heb1:3; Col1:17) --He alone is omnipresent(Pro15:3)! --He alone is the only sovereign(1Tim6:15; Ps115:3; Is14:24,27)! --He alone must be lifted-up over all(Jn12:32)! --He alone possesses all power (Mat28:18)! --He alone rules over all (Ps99:1; Ps93:1)! --To Him alone will every knee bow, and every tongue confess Him Lord(Phil2:10,11)! --Before Him alone, the nations—in all their glory--are less than nothing(Is40:17)! QuoteBit "We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are." -- Max DePree
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February 2025