Sorry, I have one more part! I would like to offer what I consider the greatest evidence for the rejection of Emerson vs Board of Education’s 1947 separation of church and state case: Israel.
I repeat, “Israel” is the greatest reason the liberal re-interpretation of the ‘separation of church and state’ is ungodly and unbiblical! The Bible clearly identifies Israel as a nation: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing -Gen12:2 This teaches God will make a great ‘nation’ of Abraham. Who are Abraham’s descendants? The nation of Israel, or the Jews—for He promised to give the land* to the descendants of Abraham, who are called the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Gen50:24; Es2:24; Ex3:16; Ex6:3,8)**--to form a nation! Subsequently, ‘God’ gave the nation of Israel laws (Ex20); and demands their obedience (Deut28). He even instructs Israel that HE is their judge, lawgiver, and king (Is33:22)!*** God also judges Israel when they sin by removing them from the land(Deut30:1); but promises to restore them to that same land, when they turn back to Him(Deut30:2-3). God also created other nations(Gen10) and set their boundaries according to the numbers of Israel (Deut32:8). Moreover, He commands the nations to look to Israel as their example (1Cor10:11[1-11]). In other words, the nations of the world will be held accountable for the laws of God (Bible), i.e. that God gave to Israel(Rom9:4). God also promises the nations if they obeyed His word—which came through Israel (Jews; Rom9:4), He would bless them(Ps33:12)!! He promises that if the nations would accept His righteousness, i.e.obey His word, He will lift them up to be trophies, i.e.examples to the nations of the world (Pro14:34). On the contrary however, He also promised that if those same nations disobeyed His word, He would cast them into hell (Ps9:17, Mat25:32). Furthermore, literally hundreds of times in the Bible, God reveals His Name, beginning with Genesis 33:20, as the “God of Israel”: “And he erected there an altar, and called it Elelohe-Israel” **** He even goes a step further and reveals His name as the: “Lord God of Israel” (Josh7:18,20). Let me remind you, the God of the universe, does not call Himself the God of America! Nor, the God of Saudi Arabia! Nor, the God of France! Nor, the God of Brazil! But…the God of Israel! Because the Name of God is both eternal(Ps90:2) and unchanging(Mal3:6), by revealing His name as ‘the Lord God of Israel’, He sovereignly choses to forever associate His very existence as God with a nation…Israel! And furthermore still, if we consider the books of 1&2 Samuel; 1&2 Kings; and 1&2 Chronicles, we will discover those books are completely dedicated to revealing how God relates to Kings and governments, i.e. through His prophets!!! I repeat, God speaks to the nations, or to governments…through men of God, AND through the Word of God(Bible)! Now…after considering all these irrefutable facts, it just seems a wee-bit arrogant for liberalism (1947 Emerson vs Board of Education) to boast that the ‘separation of church and state’; which I repeat, is a term created by a preacher of the gospel to explain the intent of Jesus’ words found in the Bible***** (Mat22:21), to literally mean: “In order to be fair and equitable, America must categorize all religions the same!!” Can any honest person, with even a cursory understanding of the Bible, possibly believe that Jesus actually thinks all religions are the same? Remember, Jesus alone went to the cross!! Yet, in case you’re an honest person, but don’t know what the Bible declares, ‘here ya go’: “…no one comes to the Father but through Me!” -Jn14:6 “…Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me. I, even I, am the Lord, And there is no savior besides Me.” (Is 43:10-11) “…And you are My witnesses. Is there any God besides Me, Or is there any other Rock? I know of none.” (Is44:8) “…I am the Lord, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God!” (Is45:5) On the contrary, because the God of the Bible, Who is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…is actually and literally the only true God(Jn17:3); ‘AND’ because America has historically favored the Judaeo/Christian ethic; and has incorporated Biblical principles into the Declaration and Constitution…other religions can co-exist on American soil without being persecuted!!! ---For this very reason, God (Bible) cannot be separated from the state! Interestingly, the aforementioned fact is not true of other nations******, precisely because those nations have a different god(Ps96:5)! In conclusion, as long as America---like Israel--- honors God, by way of obedience to His word(Bible)—the One true God will continue to bless this nation!! On the contrary, if America continues to allow liberalism’s re-interpretation of the ‘separation of the church and state’ to hold sway*******, God will be forced to withdraw His presence from America…along with His manifold blessings!!! How can I be so sure? Just ask Israel! * “the land” refers to present day Israel. **Also known as the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel (1Kgs18:36,1Chron29:18) *** Which teaches us where our Founding Fathers derived the 3 branches of government: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. **** Elelohe-Israel, literally translates as, “God, the God of Israel”; which can be interpreted as: “Mighty God of Israel” *****Of course, this is just another reminder of incredible liberal hypocrisy, who use a Bible doctrine (separation of church and state), to reject God’s opinion!!! ******The only exceptions are those nations who have—to a degree— incorporated the Judaeo/Christian ethic! Remember, ‘freedom’ is a principle of the Judaeo/Christian ethic (Gal5:1,13; 1Pet2:16); the God of the Bible! *******Which again is: ‘the separation of God from the state’. QuoteBit "The problem with most failing businesses is not that their owners don't know enough about finance, marketing, management, and operations -- they don't, but those things are easy enough to learn -- but that they spend their time and energy defending what they think they know. My experience has shown me that the people who are exceptionally good in business aren't so because of what they know but because of their insatiable need to know more." - Michael Gerber
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February 2025