Racism is sin, which is why as far as I am aware, for millenniums it has existed in almost every society and culture! Because Democrat origins extend back only as far as colonial America ensures that they did not invent racism; however, I do confidently declare that Democrats have certainly perfected it!
How can I justify such a statement? Speaking to the behavior of men who reject God, in Romans 1:28-30, the apostle Paul declares: “Because they (mankind) did not retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate(depraved) mind to do those things which are not proper…inventors of evil things” During Reconstruction (1865-1875), Blacks were able to achieve some incredible political advances winning many state and federal elections. These accomplishments came exclusively through ‘suffrage’, which means voting rights. Of course, White Democrats were not going to stand by idly and tolerate being governed by their former slaves, so they fought back against the Black vote using any and all available means. What I find most intriguing is the incredible evil creativity used by Democrats to wreak their havoc. The following list is a good illustration of the Democrats’ perverted genius to keep Black people from voting; or as Romans 1:30 declares, “inventors of evil”! All 11* of the following tactics were invented, codified as law, and then enforced…by Democrats! However, I need to warn you, that many of the sources** that I site of these 11 tactics to keep Blacks from suffrage (Black voting) do not indicate they are the creation of the Democrat party. Yet, this is the deception of the contemporary liberal, both Black and White…who blame past atrocities against Blacks on…White people---rather than Democrat White people! 1.Poll tax.1* This was a tax levied against Blacks for them to vote. However, Blacks emerging from slavery were very poor and could not pay a tax. This Democrat-created law was not completely eliminated until 1971. 2.Literacy tests.2* Some tests were up to 20 pages long. The test required that a voter show a certain level of reading and comprehension before casting a vote. Black literacy was prohibited by law in the south therefore, it was obvious that a majority of blacks could not pass a test that was created and monitored by the Democrats, who rejected Blacks’ right to vote. 3.Grandfather clause.3* This Democrat ingenuity only permitted people whose father or grandfather had previously been registered to vote. Obviously, this excluded Blacks who were only given the right to vote with the recent passage of the 15th amendment. 4.Creative Election Methods.4* For example, Democrats created the idea of ‘multiple ballots.’ Only Republicans were required to vote at multiple locations to complete a ballot. If the ballot was incomplete, it was rejected. Often as many as 8 locations were necessary for a ballot to be official. Democrats would simply not inform Blacks of voting locations. In addition, they created the ‘Hide-and-seek’ method. Democrats would simply hide the polling locations and move the ballot boxes if discovered. Finally, a third method of restricting the Black vote was to post armed guards to ensure no votes were cast. 5.Black Codes (Jim Crow laws).5* Laws were enacted which allowed Blacks to vote only if they owned agricultural property. Other laws were passed prohibiting Blacks from entering a town or city without permission, which was the location of the ballot boxes. Furthermore, Blacks were not allowed to own weapons, leaving them unprotected against Klan violence. In addition, more laws were passed to force segregation6*, which replaced the anti-segregation laws passed by Republicans during Reconstruction. 6.Gerrymandering.7* Named after Elbridge Gerry, who in order to ensure victory during an 1812 election in the state of Massachusetts, redrew district lines to resemble a salamander. Both adopted and perfected by the southern Democrats who used this method to ensure that districts remained a White majority. 7.White-only primaries.8* Democrats enacted laws to prohibit blacks from voting in primaries by ensuring that no Black was placed on the ballot. 8.Physical Intimidation and Violence. Church burning, cross burning, rapes, beatings, incarceration. Black South Carolina Representative Robert Brown Elliot declared, “the declared purpose [of the Democratic Party is] to defeat the ballot with the bullet and other coercive means.”9* 9.State Constitution revision. During Reconstruction(1866-1876), states were forced to re-write their constitutions to include civil rights and voting rights for Blacks. For example, North Carolina.10* However, as soon as Democrats re-assumed political power after Reconstruction (1876 and forward), they simply rewrote the state constitutions to exclude Blacks. For example, North Carolina.11* 10.Property ownership. Blacks could only vote if they owned land or property. For example, in 1901, a voter had own land or property in excess of $300.0012* (equivalent to $6500 today) in order to vote. Obviously, this meant that Blacks could not vote, who as just released from slavery, owned little or nothing. 11.Crimes & Eligibility Requirements. For example, Florida withheld voting rights for committing a crime of violating any list of petty offenses, such as unemployed Blacks would be charged with vagrancy for looking for work.13* Or, Blacks would be required to reside in a state for two years to become eligible to vote.14* And I repeat, the contemporary liberal trick is to blame the creation and enforcement of these draconian racist laws, which have been familiar to historians for over a century, on White people--instead of their actual source--Democrat Whites!! *All the credit goes to David Barton of Wallbuilders.com for digging out these 11 tactics in his incredible work, ‘Setting the Record Straight, American History in Black and White’. **Any google search will reveal multiple sources verifying the existence of these different laws, i.e.tactics. 1* Tennessee: Foner, Eric. Reconstruction: American’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877 (New York, Harper & Row, 1988), pg422. AND, Texas: https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/african-americans-and-politics 2* https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/in-depth/2019/06/28/338050/100-years-ago-with-womens-suffrage-black-women-in-texas-didnt-get-the-right-to-vote/ 3*https://www.skyminds.net/the-reconstruction/; AND, https://www.tpr.org/2013-10-22/the-racial-history-of-the-grandfather-clause 4*Wilson, Woodrow, A History of the American People, (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1902), Vol.5, p137. Perhaps the greatest of all historical evidence is known as ‘Enemy attestation’. President Wilson was a rabid racist, and an enemy of Black people, indicting his own party, i.e.the Democrats, writing on page 137: “Every device known to politicians, every plan that could be hit upon that politicians had never before been driven to resort to was made use of to reduce or nullify the negro vote.” “no man any longer found it hard to learn methods of mastery which were not the methods of law or honor or fair play.” “Voting places were often fixed at points so remote from the centers of population that only a small proportion of the negroes could reach them during the hours for voting.” “In some cases, separate ballot boxes were used for the several offices to be filled at the elections, so lettered that the illiterate negroes distinguished them with difficulty and so shifted in their order from time to time that the sequence in which they stood was constantly being changed, and no vote was counted which was not put into the right box. In districts where the negroes mustered in unusual numbers too few voting places were provided, and the voters were prevented from casting their ballots rapidly by premeditated delays of all sorts so that the full vote of the district could not be cast” 5*https://mulattodiaries.com/tag/texas/ https://mulattodiaries.com/2010/03/03/the-black-codes/ https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/black-codes 6* http://www.cnn.com/fyi/interactive/specials/bhm/story/timeline.html. Tennessee was the first state to do so in 1881. 7* Foner, Eric. Reconstruction: American’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877 (New York, Harper & Row, 1988), pg590. 8*https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/african-americans-and-politics 9*Congressional Globe, 42nd Congress, 1st Session, pg.390, Rep.Robert Brown Elliott addressing the KKK Bill, April 1, 1871 10*The Federal and State Constitutions, Vol.V, pp.2800-2803, 2814, 1868 North Carolina Constitution. “Declaration of Rights, “ #1, #10, #33, Article 6, Section 1. 11*The Federal and State Constitutions, Vol.V, pp.2822-2823, 2834-2835, 1876 North Carolina Constitution. “Declaration of Rights, “ #1, #10, Article 5, Section 1; Article 6. Section 4 12*For The Federal and State Constitutions, Vol.I, pp210, 1901 Alabama Carolina Constitution. Article 8, #181 13*Debois, Black Reconstruction in America, p.167; Florida History, People & Politics, “Black Codes” 14*Alabama Public Television, “History of the 1901 Alabama Constitution” Quotebit "Vehicles in motion use their generators to charge their own batteries. Unless you happen to be a golf cart, you can't recharge your battery when you're parked in the garage!" -Malcolm Forbes
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